Crossing The River

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Authors Note📝💭: Okay... So someone said that "my other fanfics seem like Twilight, but this fanfic is good" and I'm just like, "Wait. What?"😆 I don't know whether or not if I should take that as a compliment or offensive because I know there are people out there that hate it and love it. Plus from what he said, it didn't seem like he read my other fanfics 😐😕😅

I haven't read the Twilight series before, only the movies and I'm sure I never took any ideas from it or even considered anything from it for an idea. I never put in anything like making out or anything like fighting vampires and wolves 😆 there's Calem, but it's not like he's as badass and cute like Jacob 😅

Then again, I've never read the books and I'm sure it's different from the movies. And don't come to me talking about it cause it's not like a fandom for me. The whole idea and concept of the whole series is fantastic, don't get me wrong! A truly amazing theme and concept. I'm just not into like I am Anime 😝

I'm interested to see if you guys think that my fanfics are like Twilight. Does it remind you of it? Can you relate my fanfics to it? Just want to know 😆 ✏️💬

Ash's P.O.V

As we walked through the forest I heard running water, so I stopped walking to see where it was coming from.

"Is that running water?" I asked.

"Yeah, the river is up ahead." Serena smiled.

We both continued to walk until we were both able to see the river, water running down to the left of us.

There was a regular, sized log in the middle of it, each side reaching the other across the river, creating a bridge. To be honest, it looked unstable as heck. It was all rotted and looked like it was going to break or fall off the ledges of the side of the river.

"Wait. We're supposed to cross the river?" I asked.

"Yeah." Serena said flatly and continued to walk towards the log.

"Wait!" I took hold of her wrist, making me feel warm. "Are you sure it's stable?"

"Uh-" She looked down at me holding her wrist.

"Sorry." I released my grip on her wrist, embarrassed.

"Oh- no, it's fine." She looked away from me and looked back towards the river. "Yeah, it's stable. I've crossed this for years ever since you left."

Serena continued to move towards the log, but I jumped in front of her.

"Wait, maybe I should go on it first, you know, just to make sure that it's alright to walk across." I said, my heart pounding against my chest.

"Ash, it's alright. I've walked over it more times then I can count. Even if I do fall, it's just water underneath it."

I ignored her and instead, slowly walked across the log.

Once I reached the other side, I turned around and gave a thumbs up with a grin. "It's stable."

"Yeah, okay." Serena sweat dropped.

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