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— 26. Driftmark

      Upon hearing the news about Morro, Daena sat in her chambers, staring out the window for days

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Upon hearing the news about Morro, Daena sat in her chambers, staring out the window for days. A part of her wished the news to be all a dream, a figment of her imagination. That Morro would be riding in any moment.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she refused to give in. She had to be stronger than that, she couldn't show anyone how much the man's death affected her. He was only her family's sworn protector, after all.

The door opened, but she didn't bother to turn. She figured it to be Aegon or Helaena coming to bother her.

"You know, your lady mother used to sit in that same spot when she carried you," The voice of Viserys made her jump, clearly not expecting him.

She rushed to stand, only to have Viserys gesture for her to sit down. "No need for that," He assured her and moved to sit in a nearby chair. He grunted and Daena noticed how the man seemed to get worse and worse each day.

"Everyone refuses to talk about her. Nobody will tell me who my father is, either," Daena complained, turning to face Viserys, "Am I a bastard? Is that why?"

"No, of course not!" Viserys argued in a stern tone, sighing deeply at the question.

"Then why can't I know who he is!" Daena shouted as she leaned back in her seat, "It would seem I lost two fathers in my life."

Viserys' eyes softened at the girl's words. He knew Shaera lied to the girl because she thought it was safer that way. But Daena was a curious girl, she always had been. She needed to know everything and when she did, she'd press until she did.

"Ser Morro was a great man," Viserys stated in a calm tone, looking a bit uneasy, "He loved your mother very much. And he raised you and Daemion like his own children. For that, I will always respect him. He stayed when even Daemon and Rhaegon fled. He made your mother happy. Happier than I've seen her in a very long time."

"The Queen told me we are to travel to Driftmark. She says Laena Velaryon has died in childbirth," Daena paused, tears beginning to fill her eyes, "I suppose any female rider of Vhagar is cursed to die on the childbed."

"Not Visenya," Viserys corrected her but earned an annoyed look in return.

"Rhaegon and Daemon return for the funeral. Two people important to my family yet I've never met them," She explained, earning a sad smile from Viserys.

"The pain of losing your mother was too much for them. If I recall, Daemon swore he'd never step foot on this land ever again after her death. She was his favorite. She always had been. As Rhaenyra was mine," He explained, earning an amused look from Daena.

"I heard she died from Vhagar's hand," Daena added, a curious look on her face.

"Yes, your mother had been dying of childbirth. Vhagar refused to leave her spot above the Red Keep, fearing for her rider. But Viserra refused to die in such a way. With all her strength, she limped to the courtyard and Vhagar whisked her away," Viserys explained, not realizing he was telling Daena something she never knew. He smiled sadly, oblivious to what he had done, "She commanded Vhagar to burn her. The dragon was hesitant but she obeyed. And in the flames you were found, unscathed."

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