Glimmer of hope

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Author's POV: 

Kanvi's world crumbled the day Vihaan left her. The vibrant, bubbly girl she once was, withered away, leaving behind a shadow of her former self. The pain of his departure seeped into her bones, like a slow-moving poison, spreading its darkness through every cell of her body.

She stopped taking care of herself, her physical appearance reflecting the turmoil brewing inside. Her once-lustrous hair hung dull and lifeless, her bright eyes lost sparkle, and her skin grew pale and clammy. She often forgot to eat, and when she did, the food would taste like ash in her mouth.

Days blended but Kanvi's heart remained stuck in the moment Vihaan walked away. She would wander aimlessly around the house, searching for something, anything, that could fill the void left by his absence. But everything seemed empty, hollow, without him by her side.

She would spend hours staring at his photographs, her eyes welling up with tears as she gazed at Vihaan's smile. She would whisper his name, hoping against hope that he would hear her, that he would come back to her. But the silence was deafening, and Kanvi's heart would shatter all over again.

As the days dragged on, Kanvi's body began to reflect the anguish that ravaged her mind. Her slender frame grew gaunt, her muscles weak, her movements slow and laboured. Her eyes, were once bright and full of life, sunken and dark, like two empty wells.

Her days became a never-ending cycle of pain and longing, her nights a restless, sleepless haze of tears and despair. Kanvi's world had been shattered, and she was left to pick up the pieces, alone and adrift in a sea of sorrow.

Katherine walked into Kanvi's room, concern etched on her face. "Kanvi, sweetie, how many days are you going to wait for him? It's already been 17 days."

Kanvi looked up, her eyes vacant, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll wait until my last breath."

Katherine sighed, her heart aching for her friend. "Kanvi, you can't keep going on like this. You need to take care of yourself."

Kanvi shrugged, her shoulders barely moving. "What's the point?"

Katherine took charge, her voice firm but gentle. "I'm going to run you a bubble bath, and you're going to get in it. You need to relax, to unwind."

Kanvi didn't resist as Katherine led her to the bathroom. The warm water and sweet scent of bubbles enveloped her, but Kanvi's mind remained numb, her heart still heavy with grief.

As Katherine helped her into the bath, Kanvi felt a small sense of comfort, but it was fleeting. Her thoughts drifted back to Vihaan, and she wondered where he was if he was thinking of her.

Katherine sat beside the bath, her eyes fixed on Kanvi's face. "You deserve so much better than this, Kanvi. You deserve to be happy."

Kanvi's eyes welled up with tears, but she didn't cry. She just lay there, surrounded by the warm water and bubbles, feeling empty, feeling lost.

Kanvi's heart is a fractured mirror, once reflecting the vibrant hues of their love, now shattered into a thousand shards of sorrow, each fragment piercing her soul with the memory of Vihaan's absence. The silvered glass of their relationship, once polished to perfection, now lies tarnished, its beauty lost to the patina of time and longing.

Her soul is a fragile, flickering flame, dancing in the winds of her grief, threatening to extinguish at any moment, leaving her in darkness, leaving her without the warmth of his love.

" He had been saying that there would be consequences for your lies Ma Cheire, but I was a dumb bitch Kathie, I didn't believe him." Kanvi chuckled in despair and her eyes again welled up.

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