forty-seven , here

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After the match, everything was a blur. Y/n was whisked away to a police station in Asakusa. They were taken in for questioning, they were screened for any weapons, questioned again, and waited for what felt like hours.

That didn't matter, though. Y/n had spent their entire life waiting for Kyojuro. They could wait just a few more hours.

"Tamayo.. I don't want to hear it," Y/n said, hearing footsteps approach them.

"Tamayo?" A man laughed, "My name is not Tamayo! I am Rengoku!"

Y/n gasped, slightly startled, "You're.." They looked the man over. He had yellow and red hair, and his eyes were the same. He had on a black uniform and white fiery haori, "You're a demon slayer."

The man nodded, "Indeed!" His eyes scanned over Y/n's body, which tensed up and cowered away, "Are you a demon?" He asked.

"I- Yes- well, no!- I..." Y/n took a deep breath, "Sort of?"

The demon slayer nodded, "Then I shall kill you, demon!"

Y/n gasped, "No..! No, please, I!" In a surge of fire, the man charged to Y/n, his sword slashing through the snowy ground, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I.. I'm good! I'm good! I've never-"

The man's sword sliced through their chest and up to their collarbone, melting their cold skin, "A demon? Good?" He laughed.

"No, really! I've never killed! I don't crave blood! I.. I don't want to die!" Y/n doubled over, clutching their stomach, "It hurts.. Tamayo.. It hurts.."

The man walked closer to Y/n, "You are not really a demon, are you?"

The half demon shook their head, "I.. I'm not.. I.. Can show you!" They begged, "Just wait for sunrise.. I.. I can stand.. in the sun!"

The man nodded, "As you wish, strange one!"

Y/n bit their lip, wincing as the slash on their stomach began to heal, "My.. my name.. it's L/n.. Y/n.."

"Well, L/n! I am Rengoku Kyojuro!"

"L/n?" A voice called from another room. The half demon looked up quickly, "You may come in."

Y/n stood up. They took in a deep breath as they walked to the room.


Y/n could have sworn they were dreaming. They could have sworn none of this was real. That the man sitting right across the room from them was a figment of their own imagination.

He had been before, but he felt so much more real now.

They stepped back, their hands trembling.

His hair, just as bright as the day they met him. And his eyes, they shined with such a beautiful, enchanting light.

"Ky..." Y/n's lips trembled, they could barely speak, "Ky..o.." They reached their hand out slowly and apprehensively, as if, if they reached too close he'd disappear from their gaze once more.

How long had it been since they'd seen each other? How long had it been since Y/n left?

"It'll be alright, Y/n," His voice felt like a gentle embrace, like a warm campfire, "Everything is fine, don't cry."

Y/n stumbled towards him, "I.. I.." They reached their hand out, only for it to hit an invisible wall of glass.

Kyojuro was right in front of them, but still untouchable. So close, yet still out of reach.

"I didn't believe it.." They cried, "You're here, aren't you? You're real..." They hit the glass, "Why can't I.. why can't I be with you?" They mumbled, hitting the glass again and again, "Kyojuro.. I.."

chained : yan ! bnha + kny x kny ! readerWhere stories live. Discover now