twenty-two , elections

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Y/n sat in their chair, observing their classmates. Izuku was talking to his two friends- Iida and Uraraka, while Bakugo (dubbed Inubaka) grumbled angrily.

Y/n sighed, staring at their hand. They wondered, if they stuck their hand in the sunlight, how long would it take for them to burn up? They placed their hand on the window, seeing it absentmindedly twitch as the sun hit their delicate skin. They stared at it, waiting for something to happen.

"Hey, man!" A voice called out from behind Y/n. Turning around, they caught the spiky redhead boy, "What're you doing all alone like that?"

Y/n turned towards the man, "... Testing something," They said curtly.

The man hummed, "You're L/n Y/n, right? I'm Kirishima Eijiro!" He smiled, showing off his large shark-like teeth. It reminded Y/n of a demon.

"Call me Y/n," They requested, "It feels weird being called L/n, too formal for my tastes," They sighed.

Kirishima blinked, before laughing a bit, "I expected you to be all uptight like that Iida guy!" He said, unknowingly making Y/n die a little inside, "But you're so manly! Call me Eijiro!"

Y/n hummed, "Ei-ji-ro," They said slowly, "Alright, Eijiro," They nodded dismissively.

Kirishima smiled brightly, "Alright, Y/n-" Kirishima and Y/n both turned their attentions to the door opening. It revealed a familiar teacher wearing a yellow sleeping bag.

Kirishima gave Y/n a quick wave before rushing to his seat a few down from Y/n's.

Neither noticed the glare a certain freckled boy gave them.

"Alright class," THe monotone voice of Y/n's teacher rung solemnly in their empty head, "Today may be the most important day of your lives at U.A," He proclaimed, making kids whisper around, speculating of what it might be, "You'll be picking a class representative," The class collectively sighs, as if they had rehearsed it.

Iida stiffly raised his hand, "Sir! How will we be picking the representative?"

Aizawa shrugs, "I don't care. Just don't be noisy and wake me up," He said, falling on the floor.

Y/n blinked. They wished they could be that tired all the time... Then they could just sleep through this boring class.

"Alright, class," Iida shouts, "How about we do an incognito election where everyone votes for who they want to become rep?" He suggests.

The class uproars, and Y/n tunes it out. Kids hurt their head. A lot. Thinking about it a bit more, Y/n realized they were only two years older than the kids.

They didn't like that.

As they daydreamed the time away, unknowingly scrunching their nose, a paper was placed on their desk. They glanced down at it, face morphing to confusion.

"Alright, write down your votes on that sheet, classmates!" Iida said.

Oh, right. Elections.

Y/n wasn't one for democracy. They liked Oyakata-Sama, no one else. They knew that this election didn't mean much in the slightest, but even the notion of being led by someone other than their master was terrible. They were a hashira. They wouldn't settle for less.

Staring at the paper, they picked up their pen and wrote down, 'y/n.' It was basically a throwaway vote since no one else would vote for them... right?

They got two votes, same as someone named Momo Yaoyorozu and Izuku.

"I quit. Not doing it," Y/n smiled, "I think Yaoyorozu and Izu would like it much more, anyway." They shrugged.

Iida sulked, "Zero votes..." He grumbled, "Zero... votes...."

Y/n blinked, "Coulda just voted for yourself, Ten-Ten," They said, "Easy one vote right there," Their tone was one of boredom. They really didn't want to be there.

They'd rather be hunting demons. Or whatever kept on coming into their room. Not sit around and play pretend with a bunch of kids.

Class ended shortly after, with Midoriya being chosen to be the rep, while Yaoyorozu was the deputy.

The rest of their normal classes were boring, and hurt Y/n's head. They were smart, really! Probably! They hoped...

They went to sit down where they had the day prior, only for a loud, barking voice to shout at them, "Oi! Extra! Sit over here, dumbass!"

Y/n hummed, "No thank you," They said, "I'd rather not," They said before sitting down.

Kendo, Tetsu, and Monoma came to sit down next to them, Monoma making a B-line to them. The blonde sat beside Y/n quickly, making them stare blankly at him.

Kendo chuckled, "Monoma! You've really taken a liking to Y/n, huh?" She smiled warmly, like an older sister (not that Y/n ever had one)

"Of course not!" Monoma shouted, "I'm just making sure class A filth doesn't infect the rest of our amazing-" He was cut off by a large hand slapping him across the face.

Y/n looked at the two in slight amusement. It wasn't much, but it was something. If Y/n's life had gone a different route- if they were born to this world, then maybe they could have all been friends. Maybe Y/n would have cared about them, even just a little bit.

But they weren't. And they never will be. Y/n's life went the way it did and they were born into another world, so the four could never be friends.

No matter how much Y/n's heart pleaded for it.

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