forty-two , mini games

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"Rengoku?" The half demon's voice was hushed, just barely reaching above a whisper, "Do you... think I deserve to become a hashira?" They had asked.

The two demon slayers were cuddled together in a small hotel room. Kyojuro and Y/n were on a joint mission together, and they hadn't been able to get any clues as to where the demon they were hunting could have been.

The two were tired, the bed barely able to fit them both, "I... I'm a demon, Rengoku. How can I be trusted for such a job?"

"Y/n," Rengoku's voice was smooth and soft as he spoke, "I have trained you for months, and I trust in you completely," He said, "You may have been cursed with demon blood, but you are human," He put his hand on Y/n's chest, right where their heart was, "You have the heart of one."

Tears welled in Y/n's eyes. They gripped onto their trainer's haori as they began to cry, "Kyojuro... Kyojuro..." They mumbled, their face buried in the flame hashira's chest, "I'm afraid... that I might lose control and hurt someone..."

Kyojuro shook his head, "Y/n, that's-"

"No, Kyojuro, please," Y/n sniffled, looking up at the man, "Promise me that if I try to hurt a human... even attempt to... you'll kill me," They asked.

Kyojuro gulped, "Y/n, I..." His voice trailed off.

"I may only be half but... If I lose control, I want you to kill me," They told him, "Before I hurt anyone... The life of a human is far more important than that of a demon."

Kyojuro was silent for a moment, taking in his tsuguko's words, "Is that truly what you want?" He asked. Y/n nodded, "Then... I swear I'll behead you, Y/n."

The next night, they had found the demon they were looking for and beheaded it, putting an end to its existence. Y/n stared as its body disintegrated, leaving nothing at all.

They wondered, what would their inevitable death look like? Would they too turn to ash? Or would their corpse be consumed by nature and rot.

"What are you thinking about?" Rengoku asked.

Y/n sighed, "I wonder... did that demon have a choice? Did it want to become a man eater in the first place?"

"I don't know, Y/n. However, what's done is done."

"Will you say that same thing when you kill me?"

"If," Kyojuro said, "If I kill you..." He paused, "No. I wouldn't say anything like that at all. You, Y/n. You're different. You're special."

"Wake up," A voice called, "Y/n, it's time to get up!"

Y/n groaned, sitting up in their chair, "Where... am I?" They asked, stretching their arms out.

Y/n looked up and saw Tenya with his arms on either of their shoulders, "Aizawa and you walked over, and you fell asleep after you sat down!"

The half demon nodded and sat up. They had been sleeping far more than normal as of late.. "My bad, Ten-Ten," They apologized, "Is it time for the next round already?"

"Indeed," Tenya nodded, "Follow me!"

Y/n sat up, walking with Tenya to the middle of the arena where everyone else was.

"Get those foam fingers in the air!" Mic cheered, "It's almost time for the last round! But before that, good news to everyone who didn't make it into the finals!" Y/n stared at Neito, though he didn't seem to notice, "Since this is a sport's festival, we've prepared some super fun side games!"

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