It had been a week since Y/n first came to this new place or time- whichever one it was, they still had no clue. Nothing much had happened, they learned All Might was actually just some scrawny guy, and demons didn't exist.
It was strange, getting accustomed to the futuristic world they now lived in. There were these things called phones where you can contact people from across the world instantly! No boring letters and writing, all you have to do is click buttons and bam! You're talking with them!
Well, phones can do other things, but that one had to be the coolest!
Today was like any other day for Y/n who was now in another world/time. It was boring. The first few days were great, but now it was repetitive.
Toshinori would go out and be a hero or whatever, and then chill at the beach with his protege. All without the one person he was assigned to protect and teach!
Of course, Y/n didn't need to be protected or taught anything, but it would've been nice if they asked! Y/n deflated on the couch, missing their friends. Hell, even seeing someone like Douma would be fine!
Still, complaining wouldn't do anything for the poor half demon, so they chose to act on their words and go outside!
It hurt, like way more than normal to touch the sun.
It was, admittedly, probably because they hadn't felt it in a while. It had been seven days since they came into this new place, and Toshinori wasn't to keen on letting them wonder out all alone. And since he was never there to take Y/n out anyways, they hadn't seen the sun in a while...
But it was fine, because it's not like they'd automatically burn! They'd be back before it got bad... right?
Y/n started to walk down the bustling streets, looking at the people around them in amazement. They were all so unique! They looked almost like demons, but they didn't want to eat people!
Y/n smiled gently at the thought. These people were safe from demons, and didn't need to worry about going out at night and getting eaten.
This world seemed almost like a utopia. Of course, bad people existed, but they were nowhere near as much of a threat as demons. Heroes didn't die everyday trying to stop them.
The burning sensation over Y/n's body didn't quell, if anything it got stronger. They grimaced, looking around for shade so they could recuperate. There was an abandoned beach nearby, with some unwanted umbrellas, it seemed like the perfect place to seek shelter.
Y/n ran over to it, sighing as they reached the shade of a large umbrella.
They watched as the flaking skin on their arm repaired itself neatly. They smiled, before noticing another shadow appear in front of them. Looking up, their peace was shattered by the one and only: All Might.
His smile twitched in frustration, "Young L/n! I thought I told you not to go outside without me!" He said, ticking Y/n off.
"I'm responsible enough to go out on my own, Toshinori," They rolled their eyes, "Plus, who cares, it's not like anyone'll hurt me."
All Might sighed, "You shouldn't go out, especially not at this time!"
Y/n was about to retort, when they noticed a scrawny boy with fluffy green boy poking out behind All Might, "Toshinori, this is your protege, right?" They asked, smirking, "Is he strong?" They looked the boy over up and down.
"O-oh!" The boy recoiled in embarrassed, "I-I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He stumbled over his words, "W-what did All Might mean when he said not to go out at this time..?" He asked.
"Well, Young Midoriya, you see, L/n is-"
Y/n cut him off by hitting him gently where is wound was, "My quirk doesn't allow me to go in the sun for very long!" They claimed, "In exchange for inhumane regeneration, I can only go out in the sun for around ten hours," Midoriya nodded along, listening intently, "But since someone," They glanced at All Might, "Won't let me go out, my limit's shortened drastically."
All Might sweat dropped, "Young L/n, we're doing this to keep you safe." He defended, but to no avail.
Y/n glanced at him, before looking back at his successor, "I don't like being safe, Toshinori," They stated, "Living in challenge is what keeps me going, surely you'd understand... Izuku, is it?"
The boy flared up, becoming a stuttering mess, "I-Izu- Izuk-k-ku!?" He hid even more so behind Toshinori, "I- Uh- Well I-!" He couldn't get out a single word clearly, stumbling over every single one.
Y/n's face smiled in amusement, walking back out into the sun without flinching at the scorching pain, "I-zu-ku," They said slowly, "That is your name, right? I assumed we should get closer since you're this guy's-" They nudged their head to All Might, "Successor."
All Might's smile dimmed, and Y/n hummed at it, amused at his persona cracking, "Young L/n, there is no need for you to get close to him," He said sternly.
"You aren't in control of me," They growled, "Plus, I thought you'd like it if Izu and I got along! I'll protect him during the exam!" Y/n cooed, leaning in towards Izuku.
Izuku didn't back away, much to Y/n's surprise, "Y-you're taking the exam too?"
"Guilty," Y/n nodded, "I've been studying for the written test non-stop lately and it got boring," They pouted.
All Might shook his head and sighed, "L/n, that's because you never got an education." He said, almost disappointed.
Y/n pouted, "I'm not stupid!"
"That's not what your mock-exam scores are saying," Y/n's mouth sat agape, there was no way All Might just said that to them! That's effed up, "And that reminds me, go back to studying, Young L/n."
Y/n deflated, "This is not the kind of challenge I like..." They groaned, "Bye, Izu."

chained : yan ! bnha + kny x kny ! reader
Fanfictionyandere ! bnha + yandere ! kny x kny ! reader Y/n didn't know how it happened, but a demon sent them to another world. They needed to get back, but the other world's inhabitants didn't seem too keen on letting them leave. #1 bnha #5 kny #1 animecros...