nineteen , pretend

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Y/n L/n had never thought to kill their family, but saying they wished for their parents to live would be a lie. They didn't lie. Liars would receive a punishment worse than death.

The child's parents had always told them all actions had consequences, and if they ever acted beyond what was permitted by their parents, the consequences would be dire.

The worst act of all in their family was lying. Whether it be as trivial as who ate the last mochi donut, to as severe as if they hurt someone, it didn't matter. Justice would be dealt in the same fashion.

They'd still be thrown to the wolves. Perhaps, not wolves, but demons.

The six year old kicked and screamed as their father dragged them out of the house.

"You monster!" He screamed, throwing the child into the harsh winter snow and watching their back it a rock, "Oh, don't be scared," He spat out, "Demons can't kill you," He said, Y/n almost felt reassured by their father's- for once- reassuring words. Almost, because after saying that, he snarled, "After all, demons can't hurt other demons."

Shutting the door, the man left Y/n writhing on the cold, unforgiving snow, which bit at poked on their malnourished skin.

The child stared up at the snow, wondering if they were really a demon. Of course they were, their father wouldn't lie. Their family despised liars, their family despised Y/n.

Y/n despised liars, Y/n despised, themself.

"../n!" Y/n awoke to a panicked shout coming from a familiar masked man.

Y/n hummed groggily, "Ten-Ten," They noted, sitting up lazily in their chair, "What do you need?"

Y/n could feel the man's displeasure radiating from beneath the costume, "It's time for your battle," He informed, "It's unbecoming of a hero in training to sleep through practice!" Tenya reprimanded.

Putting their haori safely on their chair, Y/n stood up wordlessly, their shoulder brushing past Tenya and towards the front of the room. All Might stood between two pillars, one for heroes and the other for villains, as he spoke.

"Ah! Y/n, you will be on the heroes team with young Iida," Y/n nodded, realizing how informal All Might spoke to them versus their other classmates, "And you will be against Young Bakugo and Young Todoroki!"

The people behind Y/n whispered pities in their ears, saying how their "so sorry," and that that "you'll be fine,". Y/n didn't like it, not one bit. Their classmates, of whom they had left in the dust in all tests thus far, doubted them. Had they not proven themself worthy enough yet? They had more than doubled All Might's entrance exam score, and crushed the entire class in the quirk assessment test.

"U-um! All Might, sir!" A boy with red hair and sharp teeth called out, "Is it really fair to pit Bakubro and Todoroki against-" His question was cut short by a hum of agreement.

Y/n stepped forward, "He's right Toshinori," All Might gaped at Y/n, having expected them to blow up at the boy, "Putting those to up against me- is a guaranteed loss on their part," The class whispered in shock, wondering how the slayer was so conceited, "We should let Ten-Ten onto their team- perhaps a fourth member as well, and while we're at it," They stared up at All Might, eyes darkening, "How about you as well, number one?"

All Might could feel their breath on his chest, he could see the challenging glint in their eyes, he saw Y/n so close up, and in a way he wanted no one else to see. He shuddered, "Y/n, please behave," He said sternly, yet there was a small whimper in his voice. Hearing it, Y/n chuckled, before shrugging and walking off.

"Whatever, All Might," They sighed, "It was worth a shot, wasn't it?"

Toshinori felt a pang in his chest as they called him his hero name. It didn't feel right. Y/n should only call him Toshinori. Or perhaps Yagi, or even father. Anything like that, anything other than All Might.

Eyes darkening, All Might spoke, "Get to your starting points. Now."

Y/n shrugged, following Iida to their beginning point outside of the building holding the bomb. Staring at Iida for a moment, they spoke up, "You have a plan, Ten-Ten?" They asked, the childish nickname easily rolling off of their tongue.

Tenya Iida nodded, "I shall use my speed and scope out the building quickly while you walk around and act as bait," He explained, "Stall the other team until I touch the bomb, then we win!"

Y/n smiled at him, putting their arm on his shoulder, "What an excellent plan, Tenya!" The blue haired boy heated up at the contact, stiffening even more, "Too bad it's useless," They grumbled, "I'll be able to find the bomb and disarm it easily. You can just sit and look pretty, Ten-Ten!"

Tenya coughed, inching away from the half-demon, "I want to be a valuable asset to our team, L/n-" As he spoke, Y/n started skipping off into the building, "L-L/n! Wait!" He shouted, but they didn't stop.

Upon entering the building, Y/n felt the presence of both Bakugo and Todoroki in the same spot. That must've been where the bomb was. Glancing over to Tenya, Y/n spoke, "How about I lead you up to the bomb, then I'll distract the two while you stealth your way around us and touch the bomb?" They suggested.

Iida nodded, "Let's go!"

Y/n stalked up the staircase, which lead them to a cramped corridor. Their footsteps were eerily silent, it was as if they weren't touching the floor at all. Turning a corner sharply, Y/n glanced to Iida and signaled for him to stay put. The blue haired boy nodded, watching Y/n's figure disappeared into another room.

Once entering the space, Y/n quickly took notice of the two boys standing in front of the fake bomb. They stood, readied for attack.

Y/n only smiled, "Inubaka, other guy!" They cheered, a flame in their eyes. Before the two knew it, the demon was charging at them quickly. Y/n grappled the two by their necks and pinned them to the wall, "Your names are... Bagoku and Torokiki, right?" They asked politely, "Kyojuro told me it'd do me good to learn my peers' names when-"

They were cut off by and explosion. Y/n frowned, looking at their now burnt and slightly missing arm. Huffing, Y/n pouted, "Geez, where is Tenya? He should've come by now," They complained, looking at Bakugo and Todoroki's shocked and disturbed faces, "I hate using my legs, y'know that Inubaka?"

Y/n let them go, and as they were falling, they kicked them both into another wall. The half and half boy, Todoroki, shot a line of ice at Y/n who jumped out of the way.

Y/n ran towards them, "Tenya, get your ass in here!" They shouted as they used their uninjured had at restrain Todoroki, and pin Bakugo to the ground by straddling him, "I swear to god, my arm's going to grow back by the time you're here!"

Sighing, Y/n tied Todoroki's hands behind his back with the tape given to them, as well as restrain Bakugo.

"The hero team has apprehended both villains! Hero team wins!"

Y/n blinked, standing up and looking at the helpless Bakugo and Todoroki, "Bye, Inubaka, Todokiki," They said, storming off to Iida...

Who was trapped in a block of ice.

chained : yan ! bnha + kny x kny ! readerWhere stories live. Discover now