thirty-five , lost

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Y/n hadn't expected the crowd to be so huge. There must have been more than a thousand people in the first year section alone.

They and Aizawa had parted ways some minutes ago, with him needing to be in the booth with Present Mic, and Y/n needing to go to the 1-A lounge room to prepare.

Of course, Y/n didn't go to the lounge. They instead decided to wander around the shopping area posted outside of the arena. There were several stands and booths set up for the event. They had balloons in the shape of the top heroes: All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks.

There were several food vendors as well, shouting and waving their products in the air, begging for buyers. Y/n, of course, was not one of them. They didn't need or want food, and even if they did, they had no money to buy it with.

The half demon shifted uncomfortably where they stood. Their head still hurt from that morning, and the loud noises didn't help.

Y/n turned around, but bumped into someone as they did so. They looked over to the person they had accidentally hit, ashamed they hadn't been able to sense them.

It was a woman in a white, purple, and orange jumpsuit. She was accompanied by two men: one who looked to be made out of wood, and another who was muscular with a rectangular face.

From the looks of it, the three were pro heroes. They all wore costumes, and had security badges on. Though, they must have been low (as in below the top five) because Y/n couldn't recognize them at all.

The slayer quickly bowed, "Apologies," They said, "I must not have been paying attention, miss."

The blonde woman smiled, waving away Y/n's apology, "Oh, please! It's fine!" She said, pausing as she took a closer look at Y/n, "Say, you look young, are your parents here?" She asked the hero student.

Y/n shook their head, "I am a hero student, miss," They explained, "I'm a first year at U.A."

"A first year?" Another spoke up, it was the wooden man, "Are you lost?"

Y/n bit their lip, looking around. Were they lost..?

It seemed like the blonde woman took their silence as a yes, and grabbed Y/n's arm, "We'll take you to the staff room! Someone there can help guide you!"

Y/n's eyes widened as they were pulled by the lady. They didn't speak, following the three heroes into the large arena.

"So, what's your name?" The woman asked, smiling at Y/n, "You must know mine, right?" She giggled.

Y/n shook their head, "I do not, miss," They told her, eliciting a curt (yet loud) laugh from the two men, "I'm Y/n L/n, though."

"Well then.." The woman sighed, "You can call me Mt. Lady, and these two," She gestured to the two men, "Are Kamui," She pointed to the wooden man, "And Death Arms!"

Death Arms seemed like a strange name for a hero, though Y/n chose not to comment on it, "It's... nice to meet you three," They told the heroes.

Mt. Lady smiled wide, "Of course! It was nice to meet you as well, L/n!" Y/n frowned slightly. They hated being called their last name. Though, the hero didn't know, and they would never meet again, so there was no use in correcting it.

The four walked into the hero's lounge together, Mt. Lady leading them, holding Y/n's hand and dragging them behind her. Kamui and Death Arms were behind the two of them.


"Young L/n!"

Y/n froze up as they heard the number one hero's voice, "Uh.. Hawks!" They sighed, relieved he was there, "I got lost so.. could you help me?" Y/n approached the number three hero, a pleading smile on their face.

"Huh? Oh! Sure, Y/n! Of course!" Hawks stammered, not used to Y/n making the first move, "But, can we talk for a second?"

Y/n grabbed Hawks' hand, giving him a look, "Fine! But let's talk while you get me to my waiting room!" Y/n dragged Hawks out of the lounge, away from the number one hero.

Right father Hawks had shut the door, Y/n let out a long sigh, "Thanks," They told him before recuperating.

"Of course, Mockingbird!" Hawks smiled, "Is there anything else you need? Or want? Anything, really!"

Y/n hummed, "Yeah, bring me to the 1-A waiting room?"

Hawks nodded rapidly, "Oh! Right!" He said, "Anyways, I haven't seen you in two weeks, Mockingbird... you left so suddenly, I was worried!"

"I forgot about that.." Y/n sighed, "You don't have to worry about me, Hawks," They assured him, "I'm strong enough to handle myself."

"I know that," He said, "But, I don't like it anyways. And, you lost my feather, too," Y/n had forgotten about that as well. They had thrown it as a diversion when they and Dabi were escaping, "But.. here's a new one!"

Hawks handed Y/n another necklace with the feather attached to it, a smile on his face. Y/n tried to take it but Hawks snatched it away, shaking his head, "I'll put it on," He told them.

He unclipped the necklace, and wrapped it loosely around Y/n's neck. His once was right in their hair, he was able to smell it as his hands worked on clipping the necklace.

"Y.../n?" A voice called out to the slayer. Y/n's head turned. Izuku was standing a few feet away from them, his eyes wide, "Y-you.. you and.. and Hawks..?" He asked shakily.

Hawks' grip on Y/n's necklace tightened, "Mockingbird, who is that?"

"Izuku Midoriya, a classmate of mine," They explained, "Now get off of me."

Hawks hummed, "I'm going, I'm going," He said slowly, "Don't rush me, Mockingbird.." Y/n waited a few more moments until Hawks sighed, "There, all done. Good luck, Y/n. I'll be watching!"

Y/n stepped away from the pro, not saying goodbye as they walked over to Izuku, "Hello," They greeted.

Izuku fidgeted with his hands, "Y-Y/n!" He stuttered, "I was looking all over for you!" He smiled, "We haven't talked much in a while, so... I thought now would be a good time to catch up!"

Y/n blinked, "What is there to catch up about?" Y/n asked.

"W-well! I- I've been training a lot! You haven't been at heroics in a while, so you wouldn't know, but I'm getting better with my quirk!"

Y/n nodded, "The one you lied to me about?" They asked starting to walk away. They beckoned Izuku to come with.

The green haired boy rushed to catch up, "It- it wasn't a lie, Y/n!" He insisted, "I.. can't tell you here, but, but I promise you it isn't!"

Y/n didn't look at Midoriya as he spoke, walking slightly ahead of him, "Good luck, Izu," They said as they opened the door to the lounge, holding it for Midoriya before they stepped in after.

"Hey! There you are, Y/n!" Kaminari smiled, waving at them, "We've been missing ya!"

Kirishima nodded, "Yeah! Where have you been?" He asked.

"Walking around," Y/n shrugged, "Do we... have to wear our gym uniforms?"

Mina sighed, "Yup.." She said, "I was really hoping we'd get to wear costumes!"

"At least it's fair," Ojiro shrugged, "I think yours is the only costume left, Y/n," He told them, "It's right over there."

Y/n looked to wear Ojiro's tail pointed, and walked over. Their uniform was folded up on a table, all alone. A name tag was stuck on it, reading Y/n L/n in bold letters.

They took it and went to the bathroom to change. They undressed from their civilian clothing, and looked at themself in the mirror. The large scar across their chest hadn't faded (they'd expected that, it had stayed as it was for years by then) it was just as present then as it was years ago.

They quickly put on their gym uniform, the bright blue hurting their eyes slightly.

As they exited the bathroom, they could hear the end of some pep talk Tenya must have gone on "...We're entering the arena soon!"


i feel like this is a weird place to end the chapter but i didn't know where else to end it sooo... whatever!! hope you liked it!!

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