forty-five , intermission

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After Y/n and Iida's match was Tokoyami and Mina's. That one was just as quick, with Tokoyami's Dark Shadow pushing Mina out of bounds in no time.

There was a small intermission, so Y/n went walking. They weren't sure where, but they'd figure it out along the way. They were currently in the halls near Recovery Girl's office.

"Hey. Y/n," A cold voice called out. Y/n turned, their eyes meeting heterochromatic ones, "Our fight is next."

Y/n hummed, "Are you excited, Todoroki?" They asked, looking at his right side carefully. Frost still coated part of his arm, "You should take care of that ice. I want you in prime condition for your match."

"Did my father pay you and Midoriya off?" Todoroki asked, his question completely off topic.

Y/n smirked, "Why would you ask that?" They questioned, suddenly far more interested in their conversation.

"My father wants me to use his power... To give into him and forgive him," He explained, "I don't care what you get for convincing me to use my left side. I won't do it."

"Your father has not promised or given me anything, Todoroki," Y/n said, "I wish for you to use your full power and fight me. Give me the challenge I know you can," They told him, "Fighting you while you're holding back is no fight at all."

"I'm not holding back anything," Todoroki argued, "I'm using my mother's power to its fullest, is all. I don't need to use my father's-"

"It's not his."

"What?" Todoroki quirked his brow after Y/n interrupted him.

"Your left side is not his. You are not him," Y/n's eyes had a strange fire in them. One Todoroki had never witnessed before, "Even if he passed down a segment of your quirk... it is yours to use, not his to control."

Todoroki scoffed, "You wouldn't get it," He said, "I despise my father. Therefore I despise his power."

"I don't get it? I don't get it?" Y/n smiled, laughing, yet the smile did not reach their eyes, "Todoroki. Have I ever told you my ability?"

"Bits and pieces, yes."

Y/n took a breath, "Demon. That is the name of my quirk," They clenched their fists, "It comes from a monster.. someone so vile.. so despicable... Someone I despise, someone I want- need to kill," Y/n smiled, "And I intend on defeating him and wiping him off the face of the Earth with the power he passed down to me. Because it is not his, it is mine."

Y/n's eyes flicked past Todoroki and down the hall. Someone was watching.

"That's.." Todoroki scowled, "No. You can't understand any of what I've been through-"

"Tell me," Y/n stepped closer to the boy, "You can tell me what he did to you. Every horrible, heinous, gut wrenching thing. But it will not change the fact that your quirk belongs to you. It is yours, Todoroki."

"It was used against my mother," He scowled, "Endeavor hurt my family with that quirk. He hurt my family in search of my quirk."

Y/n stepped even closer, gripping onto his hand, their sharp fingernails grazing his palm, "The man who gave me my quirk used it to murder my parents. He used it to slay so many of my loved ones, but.." Y/n swallowed.

Why were they telling this to him? Why did they feel the need to admit this? Why were they comforting him at all?

"My mentor... My best friend told me something," The half-demon continued, "As long as I keep on protecting everyone I can using my power.. it doesn't matter what it is. As long as I can save the people around me, it's fine, Todoroki. You're fine."

Todoroki shook his head over and over, "No. You don't understand. You and Midoriya... You'll never understand-"

"What don't I understand, Todoroki?" Y/n's clawed hands clenched his, "Because, from my perspective, we're the same. Me and you, Todoroki," They told him, "From the first moment I saw you, you had stood out to me. In a sea of powerless, weak people, you alone were seen as strong, right? You alone were gifted."

"It was not a gift."

"It's a gift if you make use of it correctly. And I believe you have, Todoroki," Y/n looked him in the eyes, "Your power has- and will- save people. That's all that matters, right? If you want to be a hero so badly, go out there and prove you are worthy."

Todoroki breathed out, "Y/n.." His hand shook, reaching up. His fingers grazed Y/n's cold, lifeless skin, "Do you... truly..."

"Y/n! Is that you?!" Y/n turned around, breaking eye contact with Todoroki.

"Oh, Izu.." Y/n said, their face obviously showing their annoyance, "What horrible timing."

Izuku furrowed his brows, "Horrible timing.. What do you mean, Y/n?" He asked before turning to Todoroki, "Oh. Did I interrupt something?" Y/n could see his fists clenching.

"...I'm glad you're better, Midoriya," Todoroki bowed. Izuku was still hearing a cast, but he looked far better than when he was on the battle field, "I have to go."

Y/n scoffed, "Todoroki.." They reached their hand out, but soon put it down realizing he wasn't coming back. What was he about to say before Izuku came..? Y/n's sharp gaze turned to Izuku, "You're looking better."

Izuku blushed, "O-oh! Thank you, Y/n!" It wasn't a compliment, "So.. You and Todoroki..? I.. I saw you two holding hands.."

Y/n could see Izuku fidgeting with his own hands, staring at Y/n's, "Yeah. It was nothing," They shrugged, turning around and beginning to walk away.

"You know, Y/n... sometimes I think you hate me," Izuku said, his voice growing softer, "I've.. I've seen how you talk with the others... You're kind with them. Why aren't you like that with me?" He asked, "I.. At first.. You smiled, and you were close with me, but... There's so many people with you now.." Izuku scowled, "Scurrying around you like pests. But you treat them so well! Even though I've known you longer and- and I should so obviously be closer with you!"

"What the hell are you blabbering about?" Y/n asked, still not turning to face him.

Izuku bit his lip, "I.. I mean that.. You never talk to me.. you talk to those 1-B kids.. that one loud.. annoying one. And- and you complimented Uraraka! Which- you totally should! But.. But I wish you'd compliment me, too.. And.. And you laugh and smile at Iida.. You don't do that with me! But- But we should, right? You've known me longer, and- and we have the same mentor!"

"Toshinori is not my mentor," Y/n turned around to face the boy. He seemed to be sweating slightly, his bandaged hands twitching slightly, "Izuku," Y/n took in a deep breath, "I do not hate you."

Izuku gulped. He blinked. Were those the words he wanted to hear? That's why he brought it up in the first place, right? For Y/n to assure him they don't hate him. But... No weight was lifted off of his chest at all. He felt the same, crushing pain as he had before.

"...Thank you, Y/n..."

He didn't want to be assured Y/n didn't hate him. He wanted Y/n to admit to hating everyone else. He wanted to be someone special to Y/n, who was the first person his age who had shown him real, true kindness. He wanted that to be special to them. He wanted for Y/n to never show that same compassion for anyone else.

He knew it was selfish, and idiotic, but... He couldn't help it.

"Y/n, I..."

Y/n was already gone.

chained : yan ! bnha + kny x kny ! readerWhere stories live. Discover now