thirty-one , welcome back

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Life in this new world was strange. It felt almost parallel to the one they had once inhabited. Heroes, Villains. Slayers, Demons. And, in the center of it all, Y/n.

Their hand traced the outline of their face in the mirror. Their sickly face, all color seemed to have been drained out of it, but it had always been like that. They had always been in between life and death.

Y/n took a deep breath, their eyes running over their features in the mirror. They were human, they were human, they were human.

"I am human."

A faint whisper made it out of their throat, the words soothing Y/n.

"Y/n." The gruff voice shot Y/n out of their trance, making their eyes shoot towards the man in the doorway, Aizawa, "It's time to go."

They hummed, "Oh. Right." Y/n followed Aizawa out of their apartment and into the main school area.

The teacher was still covered with bandages, but seemed to be doing a bit better now. Y/n frowned, U.A must have been working the man to the bone. He was weak (weaker than most demon slayers, anyways), how could they assign him not only to teach, but to stay on hero duty and protect Y/n.

"Y/n?" Aizawa's gruff voice cut through the silence.

Y/n hummed, "Aizawa."

The teacher sighed, "Who was that man you were fighting? Someone from your world?"

Y/n's frown deepened slightly, before they put a strained smile on, "Ah, he was... no one important!"

"That's not what you made it seem like back there," Aizawa said. His voice was monotone, but a hint of confusion was laced with it.

"It doesn't matter," Y/n said, their tone growing harsh, "He does not matter, okay? So just don't worry about it."

Aizawa clicked his tongue, "You lie a lot, Y/n."

"And you don't?"

The hero's sigh echoed through the halls, "I only lie when I need to."

"Same goes for me, Aizawa."

"I don't think that's true."

"I don't think it matters what you think." Y/n's quip stopped anything Aizawa was planning on saying.

Of course the man wanted to know more about his student. But it was more than that, Y/n wasn't just his student. Y/n was a person lost in an unfamiliar world.

Y/n knew whoever it was that came to the USJ. Y/n thought the man was important enough to lie about.

"We're here, Aizawa!" Y/n smiled, though it didn't quite reach their eyes. It never did.

Aizawa let out a gruff hum, opening the doors. Most of the students were already there. Y/n found it almost comforting. Like nothing had changed.

Of course, Y/n's heart wasn't so faint as to flutter over something so trivial.

Y/n and Aizawa walked through the door, Y/n following slightly behind the male.

All of the student's eyes shot to the pair, Iida was the first to speak up, "Y-Y/n! Mr. Aizawa!" He shouted in surprise, "You got terribly hurt! You both should be resting!"

Y/n waved their hands dismissively, "Eh, I'm not hurt... can't say the same thing about Aizawa, though..." They said as they walked to their seat and sat down.

"My wellbeing is irrelevant," Aizawa said blankly, "What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

Y/n smiled and their eyes lit up, perhaps there would be a new challenge. Something to lighten their mood.

chained : yan ! bnha + kny x kny ! readerWhere stories live. Discover now