twenty-three , memory

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Y/n L/n's small body shook as they sobbed. Snow fell onto their bare skin, melting at the touch. The trees whistled in their small ears, singing them small lullabies.

"I... I don't want to be a demon..." Their voice called out, dying in the wind, "I want my mom... I didn't mean it!" They pleaded to the desolate forest, "I didn't want to lie!"

They cried, their sobs drowning out the footsteps nearing them, "A child..." A man muttered.

Y/n looked up at him with teary eyes, "You're pretty," They noted, eyeing the man, "Your skin is like snow... and your eyes like my mother's..." Y/n's voice trailed off, fading with a small quiver.

The man hummed, "My skin... does it not look sickly to you?" He asked.

The child tilted their head, "I... I don't know. Are you sick?"

"No, no, I'm the farthest thing from it," He said, crouching down to Y/n's height, "Here," He took off his jacket, handing it to Y/n, "I'll come back tomorrow."

And that he did. He came back for weeks. It was strange, though, Y/n's father normally picked them up after one day, yet there was no sight of him.

Y/n looked down at their chubby hands, "Um... can you take me to my house?" They asked the man gently.

"Why would you want to ever go there, human?" The man quipped, his red eyes staring at Y/n's small form, "Didn't they harm you?

Stifling a sigh, Y/n shrugged, "I miss my mom and dad..."

The man didn't budge, refusing to let Y/n go to their home. The conversation continued for a small while longer, but died out. He left soon after, and Y/n stayed in the small shack he had housed them in.

They missed their family, they had to go and see them. Stepping out of the small cabin, Y/n looked around to see if the man still lingered. The coast was clear, nothing was moving out there but the cold winds blowing through Y/n's fingers.

Taking the first few steps out, a shiver ran down Y/n's spine. Snow crunched beneath their geta as their legs wobbled slightly under their body's weight.

They persevered, trekking east through the snow and looking for their house. As they drew closer, an unfamiliar breeze hit them. This one was warm, yet made them freeze up. As it wafted through Y/n's body, their blood began coursing through their veins faster than ever.

They ran as fast as they could. Whether out of worry or excitement, Y/n's did not know. As their feet hit the snow, it echoed through the forrest. The once pristine white snow started fading into a pink, then red, then a sickening (or was it exhilarating?) crimson.

Their father and mother's bodies laid dead on the floor. As their unstable breaths began to steady into a methodical rhythm, they felt hands snake over their shoulders.

"I told you not to come here."

Y/n groggily opened their eyes. Their brought their hands to their face, staring at them before their dropped back down to their sides. Was that their memory? They could recall no such event. But that aura... that face... they could recall that person- no, that monster.

It was Muzan Kibutsuji. The demon lord.

Their breath hitched, "Y/n, you're awake!" A voice called out. Y/n heard a door close.

They looked over to the voice, "Toshinori," They acknowledged, "Where am I?"

All Might sighed, a frown plastered on his scrawny face, "The U.A infirmary. I wanted to take you to our house," That phrase sent warning bells through Y/n's mind, "But Aizawa said this would be safer..." His voice trailed off for a moment, "Y/n, what happened to you?"

As he asked that, memories flooded into Y/n's still waking mind. Bile rushed through their stomach, threatening to spill from their throat, "It's fine," Y/n said, "I overreacted," They claimed. It wasn't a lie, they reasoned, Douma did nothing to hurt them. They collapsed from the shock, which shouldn't have happened.

Toshinori's brows furrowed, "Y/n, if you have something to admit, do it now," He said.

Y/n shook their head, "It's fine. Everything's fine," They didn't know who they were trying to convince, "Just... let's go back to your house."

All Might nodded, picking Y/n up bridal style, "Up we go!" He shouted, turning into his hero form, "I've depleted most of my energy, but I'll be able to get out of here easily!"

Just as he said that, he turned back into No Might at dropped Y/n. Y/n looked at him with a deadpan expression, "Here," They said, picking him up.

Y/n rushed through the halls of U.A, choosing the ones that felt empty as they tried to find the door out.


If people were wondering if I made a mistake saying that child Y/n seemed to enjoy the blood, that is not a mistake! I didn't screw up this story's timeline, and no, they have not met Tamayo and Yushio at that point.

Updates will slow due to school. Thank you for your understanding!

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