twenty-six , demons

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Douma clung onto Y/n, letting out blissful sounds as he breathed in their scent. Y/n stared down at him with both fear and disgust.

Douma... upper moon two... seemed to be feeling something. Having a genuine emotion. But, Y/n knew better than anyone that demons could never feel, especially not the likes of him.

"My lotus..." He muttered under his breath, clutching onto the slayer as if they were his life line, "I wasn't able to... properly show you just how much I've missed you..." He brought his head up, staring at Y/n with a lovesick, desperate expression.

A blush coated his features, the blood of Muzan Kibutsuji rushing to his face. His lips dragged along Y/n's collarbone, his teeth threatening to sink into their skin.

His sharp nail dragged along their neck, sending shivers down their spine as their blood ran cold. Y/n wanted to run, they wanted to get far, far away from the demon, yet, their instincts wouldn't let them.

Something tugged at their mind, telling them no harm would come, that Y/n and Douma were one in the same. Demons couldn't harm other demons.

Yet, Y/n's heart beat told them they were human. Somewhere deep down, they knew Douma wasn't safe, but they could not move.

"My white lotus," Douma murmured, repeating himself over and over, "Everything will be fine soon..." His smile never faded as he mumbled about their future together.

It made Y/n sick. They wanted nothing to do with the demon.

Y/n quickly forced themself out of the man's grip, clutching onto their sword which they had, thankfully, brought with them, "I'll rip your head off, Douma!" Their heart was beating fast, both from the thrill of a challenge, and fear of the moon.

But fear had never stopped Y/n before, "Sins breathing: form one, wrath!" They shouted as red hot fire emerged from their blade. It engulfed them, masking them in a sea of non-traversable hell. They jumped towards Douma, their attack speeding up as they plunged down to strike him.

Douma clicked his tongue, smiling all the same as he ducked and swerved Y/n's attacks. Y/n followed him, aiming for his weak points and openings, yet they seemed nonexistent.

"Your breathing style is a close relative to sun breathing, right?" He smiled, "And your sword's red," He noted, "So, really, this is an all around bad thing for you!"

Y/n grit their teeth, "Shut up!" They shouted, "Don't tell me what to do, demon!"

It was like a wild goose chase, Y/n trying to find some way to cut off the man's head as he gracefully danced around the room, "White Lotus..." He hummed, "This breathing form... I don't like it!" He smiled, dodging Y/n's swing, and kicking them in the back.

Y/n was flung forward, but skidded across the floor on their feet and came to a stop a few feet away from the demon.

Douma t'sked, "I much prefer your lust one! Or greed!" He hummed, "They remind me of you, lotus-!" Douma's daydreaming was cut of when Y/n muttered under their breath:

"Sins Breathing: form five, envy," They said, staring up and Douma and lunging at him, catching the man off guard. Their sword aimed for his neck, but he dodged so it only cut his cheek.

It was enough for Y/n, who licked the blood off of their blade. They felt their eyes glow for a moment, before a surge of power rushed over them.

"Oh! Are we tasting eachother's blood?" Douma giggled, "Then, don't mind me!" His giggles morphed into cackling as he ran to Y/n, teeth bared.

The slayer slashed the air with their sword, sending out a flurry of icicles. Douma dodged them easily, his expression seeming more excited than before, "Using my own power against me, Y/n? How adorable!"

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