Board Games

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The weekend arrived, and Charlotte felt a mix of excitement and nostalgia as she prepared for her board game night with Steph. She gathered some of their favourite games from childhood—Monopoly, Scrabble, and even Clue—along with a few new ones she thought might be fun to try. She also packed various snacks: popcorn, chips, and a selection of their favourite candies. It felt like a small but important step in reconnecting with her sister.

When Charlotte pulled up to Steph's house, the familiar sight of the front porch brought back a flood of memories. She hadn't been over in a while, and the thought of spending the evening with her sister filled her with warmth. Carrying the games and snacks, she walked up to the door, and before she could knock, Steph swung it open with a big smile.

"Char!" Steph greeted her with a hug. "I'm so glad you could come. I've been looking forward to this all week."

"Me too," Charlotte replied, hugging her back tightly. "It feels like old times already."

Steph led Charlotte inside, where the living room had been transformed into a cosy game night setup. A large coffee table was cleared off and ready for the games, and the couch was piled high with soft blankets and pillows. The ambience was perfect—inviting, warm, and reminiscent of the nights they had spent together as kids.

They settled in on the floor, spreading out the games and snacks. "Where should we start?" Steph asked, glancing at the options laid out before them.

"How about Monopoly?" Charlotte suggested with a grin. "It's been ages since we played, and I want to see if you're still as ruthless with those hotels."

Steph laughed. "Oh, you're on! But don't expect me to go easy on you just because we're adults now."

They set up the game, the familiar pieces and colourful money bringing back memories of their childhood. As they rolled the dice, moved their tokens around the board, and made deals with each other, the years seemed to melt away. They fell back into the easy rhythm of sibling banter, teasing each other about bad decisions and celebrating their small victories.

It wasn't long before the living room was filled with laughter. Steph had managed to monopolize most of the properties, just as Charlotte had predicted, and was now gleefully watching as Charlotte struggled to avoid bankruptcy.

"You've still got it," Charlotte said, shaking her head as she handed over the last of her Monopoly money. "I don't know how you do it."

"It's all about strategy," Steph replied with a wink. "And a little bit of luck."

They cleared the board and moved on to Scrabble, a game that required a different kind of skill. This time, Charlotte had the upper hand, forming long, complex words that left Steph impressed and slightly frustrated.

"Okay, I'll admit it," Steph said, laughing as she tried to make the best of her limited letters. "You've definitely gotten better at this over the years."

"Lots of practice," Charlotte said with a smirk. "But you're still holding your own."

As they played, they talked about their lives, catching up on the little things they hadn't had time to share during their busy routines. Steph asked Charlotte about work, and Charlotte filled her in on some of the more humorous moments at the nursery. She even told her about making friends with Mia. They shared stories, laughed, and reminisced about their childhood, each memory bringing them closer together.

After a few hours, they decided to take a break and refuel with snacks. They sat on the couch, munching on popcorn and sipping on soda, enjoying the comfort of each other's company.

"This was a great idea, Char," Steph said, leaning back against the pillows. "I didn't realize how much I missed this—just spending time with you, playing games, and talking about everything and nothing."

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