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Mia and Charlotte sat together in the courtroom, their hands intertwined so tightly that their knuckles were white. They both knew how much was riding on this day—more than just the outcome of legal proceedings. It was the culmination of months of love, care, and devotion to Jemma. Across the room, friends and family had gathered to support them: Marjorie sat near the front, her usual confident composure now a bit shaken with emotion. Reece sat beside her, quiet but offering a reassuring presence. Autumn and Winter were seated just behind them, with Charlotte's therapist, Dr. Peterson, ready to testify if needed.

This was the moment they had been waiting for, and it felt both hopeful and terrifying. Charlotte had barely been able to sleep the night before, her mind filled with every possible scenario. What if something went wrong? What if the judge didn't see how much they loved Jemma? What if they lost her?

Mia had held her tightly in bed that night, whispering reassurances, but Charlotte's anxiety still gnawed at her. Today, though, Mia was the one whose nerves were starting to show. Her leg bounced anxiously as they waited for the judge to enter the courtroom, and Charlotte could feel the tension radiating from her fiancée. She leaned in closer, whispering, "It's going to be okay."

Mia turned to her, her eyes a mix of fear and hope. "I know... but I can't stop thinking, what if..."

"No 'what ifs' today," Charlotte replied softly, giving her hand a squeeze. "We're going to be Jemma's moms. We've done everything right."

Mia nodded, though the worry didn't fully leave her face.

The sound of the doors opening caused a ripple of anticipation through the room, and everyone turned as the judge walked in. The court officer called the session to order, and the judge took her seat. Charlotte's heart pounded in her chest, and she had to remind herself to breathe.

As the proceedings began, their attorney stood to present their case. The lawyer spoke about Mia and Charlotte's commitment to Jemma, about the stable and loving home they had created, and how well Jemma had settled in since she started living with them. They had done everything they could to ensure the best life for the little girl, and now, it was time to make it official.

Next, Dr. Peterson was called to testify. Charlotte's hands tightened in Mia's once again as she watched her therapist approach the witness stand. This felt so personal, so vulnerable. Dr. Peterson was the only one who had truly seen the depth of Charlotte's fears and doubts, but also the immense love she had for Jemma.

Dr. Peterson was calm and collected as always. When asked to speak on Charlotte's fitness as a parent, she didn't hesitate. "In all my years working as a therapist, I have rarely seen someone as committed and devoted to their child as Charlotte," she said, her voice steady and confident. "She has been through a great deal, but she has emerged from those experiences with a deep understanding of what it means to love and care for someone else. She is kind, patient, and self-aware. In my professional opinion, she and Mia would make incredible parents to Jemma."

Charlotte felt her throat tighten, emotion threatening to overwhelm her. She hadn't realized just how much it meant to her to hear those words spoken aloud, to have someone else see the kind of mother she was striving to be.

When Dr. Peterson stepped down, Charlotte gave her a grateful smile. The therapist nodded back, a subtle gesture of encouragement.

Next, the social worker who had been overseeing Jemma's case spoke. Charlotte had met with her countless times over the last few months, answering every question, opening up their home for inspections, and doing everything they could to prove that they were the right people to raise Jemma. Now, it was out of their hands.

As the social worker described how happy and well-adjusted Jemma had become in Mia and Charlotte's care, Charlotte's heart swelled with pride. She thought back to all the little moments they'd shared as a family—the bedtime stories, the playtime in the living room, the way Jemma had called her "Mommy" for the first time. It felt like a dream, but today, they were trying to turn that dream into reality.

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