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TW talks of emotional manipulation

based on a true story

The following week, Charlotte found herself back in therapy, sitting across from her therapist, her engagement ring glinting in the soft light. She glanced down at it, a small smile tugging at her lips. Her therapist noticed and leaned forward, asking with a warm smile, "I hear congratulations are in order?"

Charlotte nodded, her fingers absentmindedly twisting the ring on her finger. "Yeah... Mia proposed. We're engaged." Saying it out loud made it feel even more real, and a wave of warmth flooded her chest.

"That's wonderful," her therapist responded, her voice full of genuine joy for Charlotte. After a pause, she continued, "I have to ask—how do you feel about this engagement compared to your first one? With your ex-husband."

Charlotte's smile faltered for a moment as the memories of her first engagement resurfaced. She took a deep breath, her gaze shifting to the window as she thought about how different her life had been back then.

"With Mia..." she began, her voice softer now, "it feels... safe. I can be myself with her. She doesn't judge me or make me feel small." Charlotte paused, struggling to find the right words. "When I was engaged to my ex-husband, I felt trapped. He was emotionally manipulative, always making me feel like I wasn't enough or that I wasn't the person he wanted me to be."

She could feel the weight of those old feelings pressing down, but they didn't suffocate her like they used to. "He would make fun of everything I liked, everything that made me happy. It was subtle at first, but over time, it wore me down. I stopped sharing things with him, stopped doing things I loved because I knew he'd belittle them."

Her therapist listened intently, her face full of empathy as Charlotte continued.

"With Mia, it's completely different," Charlotte said, her voice gaining strength. "She encourages me. She loves the things that make me, me. I don't have to hide anything from her. It's like she wants me to be the best version of myself, not some version she made up in her head. When I'm with her, I feel... free."

Her therapist nodded thoughtfully. "That's a big difference. It sounds like you've found someone who truly supports you and lifts you up."

Charlotte smiled again, the weight of her past lifting slightly as she spoke more about Mia. "Mia is everything my ex wasn't. She listens, she cares, and she never makes me feel like I have to change who I am to fit into her life. With her, I'm just... me. And that's enough."

Dr. Peterson leaned in, her tone gentle. "Can you give me an example of how Mia's support has made a difference?"

Charlotte thought for a moment before replying. "Well, for instance, when I was struggling with my self-esteem, Mia was patient and understanding. She didn't rush me or push me to 'get over it.' Instead, she helped me see my worth through her eyes. It was so different from how my ex would belittle me and make me feel like I was always in the wrong."

Dr. Peterson asked, "How do you think these differences affect your view of the future with Mia?"

Charlotte's eyes sparkled with hope. "It's so different from how I saw my future with my ex. With Mia, I feel like we're building something beautiful together. Our engagement isn't just about a promise; it's about celebrating our journey and the love we share. I feel excited and hopeful about our future, knowing that Mia's love is genuine and unconditional."

Dr. Peterson smiled warmly. "It sounds like Mia has been a significant source of healing and strength for you. How are you managing any residual insecurities from your past?"

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