Well this is awkward

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As Charlotte and Mia finish closing up the nursery for the night, the air outside is cooler than expected. Charlotte wraps her arms around herself, trying to keep warm. The evening chill sends a shiver down her spine, and Mia, noticing, doesn't hesitate for a second.

Without a word, Mia shrugs off her jacket and gently places it over Charlotte's shoulders. The warmth of the fabric and Mia's scent still lingering on it surrounds Charlotte like a comforting embrace.

"Better?" Mia asks with a soft smile, her voice low in the quiet evening air.

Charlotte looks up at her, touched by the gesture. "Yeah, much better. Thanks." She pulls the jacket tighter around herself, feeling a sense of closeness between them that's unspoken but undeniable.

They stand there for a moment, neither of them moving, the weight of the day fading as they linger in the stillness. The nursery behind them, dark and silent, seems like a world away as they share this small, intimate moment.

Mia's eyes meet Charlotte's, and for a second, it feels like the world has paused around them. There's a quiet understanding in the air, something neither of them can put into words, but they don't need to. They're here, together, and in that moment, nothing else matters.

"Ready to head out?" Mia asks after a long pause, her voice breaking the silence but not the connection between them.

Charlotte nods, but before they turn to leave, she gives Mia a small, grateful smile. "You're always looking out for me," she says softly.

Mia shrugs, her usual tough exterior cracking just a little. "Someone's gotta do it."

Just as Mia and Charlotte were about to leave, the sound of tyres crunching on gravel echoed through the quiet parking lot. Charlotte froze. She knew that sound too well. Her heart raced as she turned to see the headlights of her ex-husband's car cutting through the dim evening light. The sleek black sedan pulled into a spot near them, and Charlotte instinctively took a small step back, her pulse quickening.

Mia, always observant, immediately noticed the change in Charlotte's demeanour. She followed Charlotte's gaze, narrowing her eyes at the car. "Is that who I think it is?" Mia asked, her voice calm but guarded.

"Yeah," Charlotte whispered, her throat tight. "It's him."

Her ex-husband stepped out of the car, tall and composed, though there was an air of hesitation about him. His eyes locked on Charlotte as he walked toward her, holding a small, nondescript box in his hands. The sight of him stirred a whirlwind of emotions inside Charlotte—anger, sadness, and the remnants of love, all tangled together in a mess she thought she had started to unravel. She glanced at Mia, who gave her a slight nod, wordlessly offering support.

Mia stayed by Charlotte's side as her ex-husband approached. He slowed to a stop in front of them, his expression neutral, though Charlotte could sense the awkwardness in the way he held himself.

"Hey, Charlotte," he began, his voice just as she remembered it—low and familiar, but distant. "I was going through some stuff at the house and found some of your things. Thought I'd drop them off."

Charlotte's eyes flickered to the box in his hands. It was small but heavy with memories. She swallowed hard and nodded, forcing herself to stay calm. "Thanks," she replied, her voice steady, though her heart was pounding. She took the box from him, feeling the weight of the past in her hands.

There was an uncomfortable silence as if both of them were searching for something to say, something that might break the tension. Her ex-husband's gaze shifted briefly to Mia, who stood beside Charlotte, her presence strong and unwavering. Mia didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes was enough to send a message—she wasn't going anywhere.

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