New home

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It was Saturday morning, and the house felt different. Mia and Charlotte had been up early, nervously tidying up and making sure everything was perfect. The kitchen smelled of freshly brewed coffee, but neither of them had touched their mugs. They were both too anxious, too excited.

Charlotte sat on the couch, her knee bouncing as she fidgeted with her fingers. Mia stood nearby, watching the front door as if willing the knock to come sooner. Every minute felt like an hour, the anticipation hanging heavy in the air. They had been preparing for this moment, but now that it was here, it felt surreal.

"When do you think they'll get here?" Charlotte asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Any minute now," Mia replied, her own nerves just as raw. She crossed the room and sat beside Charlotte, gently taking her hand. "You ready?"

"I think so," Charlotte said, though her heart was pounding. "I just hope Jemma is okay with all of this. I want her to feel safe, to feel like she belongs."

Mia squeezed Charlotte's hand. "She already loves you, Char. You've been there for her, and she trusts you. This is going to be her home."

Before Charlotte could respond, there was a soft knock at the door. The sound made both women freeze for a moment, their hearts leaping into their throats.

Charlotte stood, her legs feeling shaky as she walked to the door. She glanced back at Mia, who gave her a reassuring nod, then reached for the handle. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

Standing there was the social worker, a kind smile on her face, and beside her was Jemma. The little girl's eyes lit up the moment she saw who had answered the door. Without hesitation, she broke into a run and leapt into Charlotte's arms.

"Charlotte!" Jemma cried, wrapping her tiny arms around Charlotte's neck, holding on tightly.

Charlotte's heart swelled as she hugged Jemma close, tears instantly springing to her eyes. "Hey, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I've missed you."

Mia stepped forward, her own heart melting at the sight of Jemma clinging to Charlotte. The social worker smiled, giving them a moment before speaking.

"Hi, Jemma," Mia said softly, crouching down so she was at eye level with the little girl. "You remember me?"

Jemma nodded, giving Mia a small smile before burying her face into Charlotte's shoulder.

Charlotte, still holding Jemma, turned to the social worker. "Thank you for bringing her."

The social worker smiled warmly. "Of course. I'll come by in a few weeks to check in, but for now, I think Jemma is in very good hands."

As the social worker left, closing the door quietly behind her, Charlotte and Mia were left alone with Jemma. Charlotte gently set Jemma down, crouching in front of her and taking her small hands.

"Jemma, we wanted to talk to you about something," Charlotte began softly. "We know you've been through a lot, and we just want you to know how much we care about you."

Jemma looked up at Charlotte with wide eyes, listening intently.

Mia knelt down beside Charlotte, her hand resting gently on Jemma's shoulder. "You're going to be staying with us, sweetheart. This is your home now, okay? We're going to take care of you."

For a moment, Jemma didn't say anything, her little face scrunched up as she tried to process what they were saying. Then, in a small, hesitant voice, she asked, "Forever?"

Charlotte's heart ached at the question. She pulled Jemma in for another hug, holding her tight. "Yes, Jemma. For as long as you need us. This is your home now, and we're your family."

The Past Within - Mialotte - TNNWhere stories live. Discover now