Forever has to start somewhere

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As the soft glow of the candles flickered around them, Mia stood up, taking a deep breath. She walked over to the speaker on the shelf, her fingers hovering for a moment before she pressed play. The familiar strum of a guitar filled the room, and Chad Brownlee's "Forever's Gotta Start Somewhere" began to play.

Mia turned back to Charlotte, extending her hand with a smile. "Dance with me?"

Charlotte's eyes softened, and she nodded, taking Mia's hand as she stood up. They moved to the centre of the room, where the rose petals scattered on the floor crunched softly under their feet. Mia gently wrapped her arms around Charlotte's waist, pulling her close, and Charlotte rested her hands on Mia's shoulders, their foreheads almost touching.

The lyrics floated through the air, wrapping around them like a gentle embrace:

"This could be our moment, we've waited for so long..."

They swayed together, their movements slow and in perfect sync, as if the music was made just for them. Mia pressed her cheek against Charlotte's, her breath warm against Charlotte's skin. Neither of them spoke, but they didn't need to. The song said everything.

"Forever's gotta start somewhere..."

Charlotte closed her eyes, her heart swelling with the beauty of the moment. She had been through so much, and yet, here she was, in the arms of the woman she loved, feeling safer and more loved than she had in years.

Mia held her even tighter as if she could feel every emotion Charlotte was carrying. She whispered softly, "You're my forever, Charlotte. No matter what."

Charlotte pulled back just enough to meet Mia's eyes. There was so much love there, so much promise. She smiled, feeling her throat tighten with emotion. "You're mine too," she whispered back, her voice barely audible over the music.

They continued to sway as the song played on, their connection deepening with each note. Mia spun Charlotte gently, pulling her back into a close embrace, and they moved together in perfect harmony. For the first time in a long while, Charlotte felt like she could breathe.

"Forever's gotta start somewhere..."

As the final chords of the song began to fade, Mia kissed Charlotte's forehead, lingering for just a moment. Neither of them let go, their hearts beating as one, as if the world outside had paused, leaving just the two of them in their own little universe.

Charlotte leaned her head on Mia's shoulder, and they stayed like that long after the music stopped, holding each other in the quiet, knowing that this was just the beginning of their forever.

As the last notes of the song hung in the air, Mia held Charlotte close, not wanting the moment to end. They stood in the middle of the living room, surrounded by the soft glow of candlelight, and the scent of roses lingering in the air. The world outside felt far away, and in that small space, it was just the two of them, wrapped in each other's warmth.

Charlotte let out a quiet sigh, her cheek pressed against Mia's shoulder. She felt safe here, cradled in the arms of the woman who had stood by her through everything—her past, her pain, the loss of the baby. Mia had been her rock, steady and unwavering, and as they swayed in the silence, Charlotte couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude and love. It was a quiet kind of happiness, the kind she hadn't known she could feel again.

"I could stay like this forever," Charlotte whispered, her voice soft, almost vulnerable. She hadn't realized how much she needed this, the quiet intimacy, the feeling of being so deeply connected to someone.

Mia smiled, her hand gently stroking Charlotte's back. "I would love nothing more," she murmured. "Just you and me, in this moment."

Charlotte pulled back slightly, enough to look into Mia's eyes. There was something about the way Mia was looking at her tonight—something deeper, more intense. She felt her heart skip a beat, her breath catching in her throat. "What's going on in that head of yours?" she asked with a soft smile, her fingers tracing the lapel of Mia's pantsuit.

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