The next step

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Pure fiction

The next week, Charlotte sits in her therapist's office, her hands resting nervously in her lap as she looks out the window. She's been coming here for months now, working through years of pain and trauma, but today feels different. Today, there's something new to talk about—something that's both exciting and terrifying.

Her therapist, Dr. Peterson, gives her a gentle smile, sensing her hesitation. "You seem like you have a lot on your mind today, Charlotte. What's going on?"

Charlotte takes a deep breath, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her sweater. "Mia and I... we're thinking about adopting Jemma. The little girl from the nursery."

Dr. Peterson raises her eyebrows, clearly intrigued. "That's a big decision. How are you feeling about it?"

Charlotte exhales slowly, still not quite sure how to put all her emotions into words. "It's... a lot. We've been talking about it nonstop since Mia brought home the foster parent papers. At first, I didn't think I could handle it. I mean, after losing the baby, after everything... it just seemed like too much."

Dr. Peterson nods thoughtfully. "That's understandable. You've been through a lot, Charlotte. It makes sense that taking on something like this would feel overwhelming."

Charlotte bites her lip, her voice quiet as she continues. "But then I kept thinking about Jemma. She's so young. She doesn't know yet... about her parents. I just... I can't imagine her going into the foster system, being passed from home to home, and wondering why no one wants to keep her. She's already lost so much."

Tears prick at Charlotte's eyes, and she quickly wipes them away. "Mia... she was the one who really pushed for it. She's so good, so sure. She saw how I was with Jemma and told me we could do this together. And now, I can't stop thinking about it. I want to give her a home. I want to be there for her."

Dr. Peterson leans forward slightly, her expression soft and understanding. "It sounds like you're both coming from a place of love and wanting to provide stability for Jemma. That's a good foundation. But you're also allowed to be scared, Charlotte. This is a big step."

Charlotte nods, her voice a little shaky. "I know... and I am scared. I'm scared I'll mess it up. I'm scared I'll let her down, or that something will happen and I won't be able to protect her. But at the same time, Mia's right. We can't just sit back and do nothing."

Dr. Peterson smiles gently. "It's normal to have doubts. But what I'm hearing is that you're not going into this alone. You have Mia by your side, and you two have been through so much together already. This could be a healing experience for both of you."

Charlotte nods again, taking a deep breath. "I think it will be. Mia and I... we've always talked about having a family, and after everything we went through with the IVF and the miscarriage, this feels like... maybe it's how it's supposed to happen. Like maybe we're meant to be Jemma's family."

Dr. Peterson smiles warmly. "It sounds like you've given this a lot of thought, and you're approaching it with both your heart and your mind. That's a good sign, Charlotte."

Charlotte looks up, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Do you think I can do this? I mean... after everything with my ex, and all the mistakes I made in that marriage... I just don't want to repeat the same patterns."

Dr. Peterson gives her a reassuring nod. "I think you've already shown how much you've grown, Charlotte. You've been working hard to understand your past and how it's shaped you. You've learned to recognize unhealthy patterns, and that's going to make all the difference. And with Mia, you've built a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. You're not repeating the same mistakes. You're creating something new."

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