It's perfect

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It was a bright, sun-soaked Saturday morning, and Mia, Charlotte, and Jemma had decided to spend the day at the park. The sky was a perfect shade of blue, with only a few fluffy clouds lazily drifting by. Birds chirped in the distance, and a soft breeze carried the scent of freshly cut grass through the air. It was one of those rare, perfect days that felt like it had been made just for them.

As they walked hand-in-hand down the park's winding path, Jemma skipped ahead, her laughter ringing through the air. She had insisted on bringing her favourite toy—a small stuffed bunny she'd named Hop—tightly tucked under her arm. Every so often, she'd stop to look at the flowers, picking one or two to add to her ever-growing collection of daisies.

Charlotte watched her daughter with a soft smile on her face, squeezing Mia's hand as they walked together. "She's so happy," Charlotte whispered, her voice filled with awe. "I love seeing her like this."

Mia glanced over at Charlotte, her expression mirroring the same quiet joy. "She's always like this with you," Mia said, giving Charlotte's hand a gentle squeeze. "You make her feel safe."

Charlotte's heart fluttered at Mia's words. She still had moments where she doubted herself—wondering if she was really doing enough, being enough, for both Mia and Jemma. But when she saw Jemma's bright, smiling face or heard her call her "Mommy" with such trust and affection, those doubts faded into the background.

"Race you to the playground, Mommy! Mama!" Jemma's voice cut through Charlotte's thoughts as she stood a few feet ahead, already ready to sprint.

"Better watch out," Mia said, chuckling as she let go of Charlotte's hand. "She's pretty fast."

"Not fast enough," Charlotte teased, giving Mia a playful nudge before taking off after Jemma.

Jemma squealed in delight, her little legs pumping as fast as they could as she ran toward the swings, her laughter infectious. Charlotte caught up to her just as they reached the edge of the playground, scooping her up and twirling her around in the air. Jemma giggled uncontrollably, her arms wrapping around Charlotte's neck as they spun in circles.

"Gotcha!" Charlotte said breathlessly, finally setting Jemma down but keeping her close.

Mia arrived a few moments later, laughing as she caught up. "You two are too fast for me!"

"Come push me on the swings, Mama!" Jemma said, grabbing Mia's hand and tugging her toward the swing set.

Mia smiled down at her. "Alright, let's go."

As they made their way to the swings, Charlotte found herself watching the two of them, her heart swelling with love. The image of Mia and Jemma together, laughing and playing, was everything she had ever dreamed of. It was hard to believe that this was her life now—this beautiful, joyful life filled with love and family.

Mia lifted Jemma onto one of the swings and began to gently push her, her hands careful and steady. Jemma's giggles filled the air as she soared higher, her hair flying behind her in the breeze.

"Higher, Mama!" Jemma called out, her face full of excitement.

Mia obliged, giving the swing a stronger push, and soon Jemma was laughing even harder, her joy contagious. Charlotte couldn't help but laugh along with them, leaning against the swing's frame as she watched.

After a while, they moved from the swings to the slides, and then to the monkey bars, where Jemma showed off her newfound skills, climbing with determination. The whole park seemed to fade into the background as they spent hours playing, talking, and simply being together.

When lunchtime rolled around, they found a shaded spot under a large oak tree. Mia had packed a picnic, and soon they were all sitting on the soft grass, eating sandwiches, fruit, and cookies that Jemma had helped bake the night before.

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