Faking- Jake

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It all started as a joke.

Jake had always been the playful one, pulling pranks and teasing his members whenever he got the chance. He was quick-witted, and his humor always lightened the mood, especially during long practice sessions or hectic schedules. But this time, things didn’t go quite as planned.

It was a regular morning at the dorm, and the members were getting ready for another day of rehearsals. Jake, however, wasn’t his usual energetic self. As he shuffled into the kitchen, his face pale and his movements sluggish, he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. He leaned against the counter, groaning softly.

Sunghoon noticed first. “What’s up with you, Jake? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Jake tried to muster a grin, but it quickly faltered. “I don’t feel so good, man. I think I’m coming down with something.”

Jungwon, who was pouring himself a cup of coffee, raised an eyebrow. “You? Sick? Come on, Jake. You’re just trying to get out of practice, aren’t you?”

Jake groaned again, this time louder, but the members only laughed. He was always the one to play tricks on them, so why would today be any different?

“Nice try,” Heeseung said, smirking as he slapped Jake’s back a little too hard. “But we’re not falling for it.”

Ni-ki snickered from the other side of the table. “Yeah, Jake, you’re gonna have to do better than that if you want to skip out today.”

Jake winced at the rough pat on his back, and his head began to spin. “No, really, I—” He paused, trying to hold back a cough that scratched at his throat. His voice was weaker than usual, but the others were too busy joking around to notice.

Sunoo leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Is this payback for the time you put ice in my bed? Because if it is, you’re not fooling anyone.”

Jake shook his head, but the effort made him dizzy. “Guys, I’m serious… I don’t feel good.”

Jungwon just chuckled, crossing his arms. “Nice try, Jake. You’ll have to do better than that if you want us to believe you.”

Jake sighed, deciding that arguing with them would take more energy than he had. He slumped into a chair, closing his eyes and willing the room to stop spinning. Maybe if he just rested for a minute, he’d feel better.

But as the day went on, Jake’s condition didn’t improve. In fact, it only got worse. His head throbbed, his body ached, and he couldn’t seem to shake the chills that had settled into his bones. By the time they arrived at the practice room, even standing felt like a monumental task.

The other members noticed his sluggish movements but chalked it up to his “fake” illness. “Come on, Jake, quit playing around,” Sunghoon called out as they started stretching. “We’ve got a long day ahead.”

Jake forced himself to keep up, even though every move felt like he was wading through molasses. His vision blurred, and he stumbled more than once, earning teasing remarks from the others. But as they began to practice their choreography, Jake’s body finally gave out.

In the middle of a particularly intense routine, he suddenly collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath. His face was pale, sweat pouring down his forehead.

This time, the laughter stopped. The room fell silent as the members realized that something was seriously wrong.

“Jake?” Heeseung called out, his voice laced with concern. He rushed over to Jake’s side, kneeling beside him. “Jake, are you okay?”

Jake shook his head weakly, barely able to form words. “I… I told you… I wasn’t… faking…”

Jungwon’s face paled as he felt Jake’s forehead. “He’s burning up! Why didn’t you tell us it was this bad?”

Jake managed a faint, exhausted smile. “I tried… you guys didn’t believe me.”

The members exchanged guilty glances, realizing they had dismissed Jake’s complaints without really listening to him. They had been so used to his pranks and playful nature that they hadn’t considered the possibility that he was actually sick.

“We’re so sorry, Jake,” Sunghoon said, his voice soft with regret. “We thought you were joking.”

Sunoo gently helped Jake to his feet, draping one of Jake’s arms over his shoulder. “Come on, let’s get you back to the dorm. You need to rest.”

Ni-ki, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, looked down at the floor, guilt weighing on his shoulders. “We’ll make it up to you, Jake. We promise.”

Jake, too weak to argue, simply nodded as they guided him back to the dorm. He could feel their worry and regret, and though he didn’t have the strength to say much, he knew they didn’t mean any harm. He just wished they had believed him sooner.

Back at the dorm, the members made sure Jake was comfortable, piling blankets on him and bringing him water and medicine. They took turns checking his temperature, fussing over him like worried parents.

As Jake lay in bed, half-asleep from exhaustion, he couldn’t help but smile at their efforts. It was clear that they felt bad for doubting him, and though he was still feeling miserable, their care and attention made him feel a little better.

“You guys don’t have to worry so much,” Jake mumbled, his voice weak but teasing. “I’ll be fine.”

Jungwon, who was sitting beside him, shook his head. “We’re just making sure. Besides, this is our way of apologizing.”

Jake chuckled softly, though it quickly turned into a cough. “Apology accepted… but next time, listen to me, okay?”

The members all nodded, each of them making a silent vow to never doubt Jake again.

As the night wore on, Jake finally drifted off to sleep, feeling warm and secure in the knowledge that his members had his back. They might not have believed him at first, but they were there for him in the end, and that was all that mattered.

And from that day forward, whenever Jake mentioned feeling under the weather, the others were quick to take him seriously—just in case.



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