Breathing in Silence- Sunoo

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Sunoo sat alone in his room, the glow of the streetlights seeping through the curtains casting long shadows across the floor. He stared blankly at his phone screen, scrolling through the latest comments from fans. What used to be messages of love and encouragement had slowly transformed into something darker, something that twisted in his chest and made it harder to breathe.

_"Sunoo doesn't fit the concept at all."_

_"Why is he always acting cute? It’s so forced."_

_"He’s too delicate for this group. Enhypen needs strong members, not someone like him."_

Each word felt like a dagger, slicing through his already fragile confidence. Sunoo had always known he was different. From the beginning, his bright personality and soft demeanor had set him apart from the others. He had tried to embrace it, to see his differences as something positive, but over time, even his members started to view him differently.

They didn’t say it outright, but he could feel it. The subtle shifts in their tone, the way they’d sometimes exclude him from conversations, and how they’d critique him more harshly during practices. At first, Sunoo tried to convince himself that it was all in his head, that he was just being overly sensitive. But as the days passed, the divide between him and the others only seemed to grow.

And it wasn’t just the emotional distance that weighed on him. Sunoo’s asthma was a constant battle, one that he kept hidden from everyone, even the people closest to him. It wasn’t severe, but it was enough to make him more cautious, more aware of his limitations. He didn’t want to be seen as weak or as someone who couldn’t keep up, so he kept it a secret, managing his condition silently, discreetly using his inhaler when no one was around.

But the pressure was becoming too much. His heart felt heavy every time he walked into the practice room, knowing that no matter how hard he worked, he would never be enough in their eyes. The fans’ comments echoed in his mind, and the members’ unspoken judgments weighed on his shoulders. He started to wonder if maybe, just maybe, they’d be better off without him.


It was another grueling day of practice. The group was preparing for an upcoming performance, and the choreography was one of the most intense they’d ever done. The music blared through the speakers, and their synchronized movements reverberated through the room. Everyone was giving their all, determined to perfect every move.

But Sunoo was struggling. His chest felt tight, and every breath was a battle. He’d been pushing himself harder than usual lately, trying to prove that he could keep up, that he wasn’t a burden. But today, something felt off. His inhaler was tucked away in his bag, but in his haste that morning, he’d forgotten to grab it. He told himself he’d be fine, that he could push through like he always did.

“Sunoo, you’re falling behind again!” Heeseung’s voice snapped through the music, irritation clear in his tone.

Sunoo flinched but nodded, forcing his body to move faster, harder. But with every step, the air seemed to thin around him. His vision started to blur at the edges, and he could feel the familiar burn in his lungs, the warning sign of an impending asthma attack.

“Can you stop with the aegyo and focus?” Sunghoon added, his voice cold and distant.

Sunoo’s heart clenched at the comment, but he didn’t respond. He couldn’t. His breaths were coming in short, desperate gasps now, and he knew he was seconds away from losing control. He needed his inhaler. Panic surged through him as he realized it wasn’t within reach.

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