A Night to Remember- Ni-ki

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The dorm was unusually silent that evening, and Ni-ki sat on the living room couch, the argument that had taken place only an hour before replaying in his head. His hands trembled slightly as he clutched his phone, staring at the screen without really seeing it. The messages from his hyungs were still unread, the tension from their fight hanging heavily in the air.

It all started over something small—something so insignificant that Ni-ki couldn’t even recall the exact details. Maybe it was about practice, or maybe it was about how exhausted everyone was. He had been feeling the weight of everything recently. The constant pressure to be perfect, the endless rehearsals, and the unspoken expectations of being the youngest member had finally caught up to him.

The frustration had bubbled over during a discussion about their latest performance. Ni-ki, feeling unheard and overlooked, had snapped. His voice had cut through the room, sharp and bitter, saying things he didn’t really mean.

“Why do you always treat me like a kid? I’m not just some baby who can’t do anything right!” His voice had wavered, but the anger behind it was clear. His hyungs had looked at him, shocked at first, but then their own frustrations had surfaced.

“Ni-ki, you’re acting out over nothing!” Sunghoon had replied, his tone exasperated. “We’re all tired, not just you!”

“Yeah, we’ve all been working hard,” Heeseung added, his voice edged with irritation. “You’re not the only one feeling the pressure.”

The fight escalated quickly, voices overlapping in a storm of anger and exhaustion. Ni-ki’s chest tightened with every word, every accusation that flew across the room. The more they argued, the more isolated he felt, like he was sinking deeper into a pit he couldn’t escape from.

Finally, the others had decided they needed space, the tension too thick to continue being in the same room. “We’re going out to eat,” Jungwon had said, his voice clipped. “Maybe some time apart will help us cool off.”

They left without looking back, leaving Ni-ki alone in the dorm. He’d watched them go, his heart heavy with regret, but his pride wouldn’t let him call them back.

Now, as he sat in the quiet, dimly lit living room, the weight of the argument pressed down on him like a physical force. Guilt gnawed at him. He hadn’t wanted to fight with his hyungs—not really. He knew they were all stressed, and he hadn’t meant to make things worse. But the words were out there, and there was no taking them back.

“I shouldn’t have shouted…” Ni-ki whispered to himself, the silence swallowing his words. He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes, but he blinked them away. Crying wouldn’t fix anything.

Trying to distract himself, Ni-ki decided to take a shower. Maybe it would help clear his mind, help him figure out what to say when his hyungs came back. He stood up and made his way to his room, feeling the emptiness of the dorm in every step.

The shower was brief but comforting, the warm water soothing his tense muscles. As he dried off and dressed in fresh clothes, Ni-ki tried to think of how he could apologize. He imagined what he would say—how he’d admit he was wrong, how he’d ask for their forgiveness. His hyungs were always understanding, and he knew deep down they cared about him. They were like family, and families fought sometimes, didn’t they?

Feeling a little better, Ni-ki left his room, intending to wait in the living room for the others to return. But as he reached the top of the stairs, he froze.

A voice echoed from downstairs. It wasn’t loud, but it was unmistakably there—a deep, gruff voice that didn’t belong to any of his hyungs. The hair on the back of Ni-ki’s neck stood up, and his heart began to race.

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