On Thin Ice- Sunghoon

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The ice rink was buzzing with excitement as the Enhypen members gathered for their special En-o’clock episode. The fans, a mix of adoring supporters and curious onlookers, had filled the stands, eager to see their favorite idols in a different light. Today’s episode was centered around a fun, winter-themed challenge, and the members were brimming with energy.

Sunghoon, with his natural grace on ice, had been particularly enthusiastic about the shoot. His performance was flawless, and he seemed to thrive in the chilly environment, effortlessly gliding across the rink. But as the day wore on, the excitement and exertion began to take their toll.

The shoot was more demanding than expected, with continuous rehearsals and multiple takes to capture the perfect shots. Despite the fun atmosphere, the members were working hard, and the cold air from the rink added to the physical strain. Sunghoon, ever the perfectionist, pushed himself to keep up with the rigorous schedule, his competitive spirit driving him to excel.

By the end of the day, the members were exhausted but satisfied with the results. The crew packed up their equipment, and the members headed back to the warmth of the dressing rooms, chattering excitedly about the day’s events.

Sunghoon, however, was feeling unusually drained. He brushed off his fatigue with a smile, attributing it to the long day. He laughed along with his members and managed to keep up appearances, but as the evening progressed, he began to feel increasingly unwell.

By the time they reached the dorm, Sunghoon’s symptoms had escalated. He was shivering despite the warm clothes he wore and complained of a throbbing headache. His usually bright eyes were dimmed by fatigue, and he struggled to keep his balance.

“Sunghoon, you don’t look so good,” Heeseung remarked, noticing his friend’s pale complexion. “Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m just tired,” Sunghoon replied, his voice sounding weak. “It’s nothing.”

The other members exchanged worried glances but decided to let it go, assuming he was just worn out from the day’s activities. They headed to their rooms, hoping a good night’s sleep would do Sunghoon some good.

Later that night, Sunghoon’s condition worsened. He lay in bed, his body feeling like it was on fire despite the cool room. His forehead was damp with sweat, and his breathing was labored. He tried to ignore it, but the fever made it difficult to sleep.

Around midnight, Sunoo, who had been checking on him periodically, found Sunghoon tossing and turning restlessly. His concern grew as he noticed how warm Sunghoon’s skin was to the touch. He gently shook Sunghoon’s shoulder.

“Hyung, are you okay? You’re burning up.”

Sunghoon groaned softly, barely able to muster a response. “I think I’m getting sick,” he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Sunoo quickly went to get the other members. Within moments, Heeseung, Jungwon, and Jake were at Sunghoon’s side. They looked at each other with worry as Heeseung placed a hand on Sunghoon’s forehead.

“Sunghoon, you have a really high fever,” Heeseung said, his voice filled with concern. “We need to get you some help.”

Jake went to the kitchen to grab some fever-reducing medication and a thermometer. Heeseung helped Sunghoon sit up, while Sunoo grabbed a cool damp cloth to place on his forehead.

“Let’s take your temperature,” Jake said, carefully placing the thermometer under Sunghoon’s tongue. They waited anxiously, the silence in the room heavy with concern.

When the thermometer beeped, Jake took it out and looked at the reading. “It’s 39.5°C (103.1°F). That’s really high.”

“We need to take him to the hospital,” Jungwon said, his voice resolute. “It’s too risky to wait.”

The members quickly mobilized. They helped Sunghoon to his feet, though he was weak and unsteady. With great care, they got him into the car and drove to the nearest hospital. The trip was tense, Sunghoon’s condition worsening as the fever persisted.

At the hospital, Sunghoon was quickly admitted and given a thorough examination. The doctor diagnosed him with a severe fever likely caused by exhaustion and the cold environment of the ice rink, compounded by the stress of the day’s activities. They recommended that Sunghoon stay overnight for observation and treatment.

Back at the dorm, the other members waited anxiously for any news. They paced the living room, their minds racing with worry. It felt like hours before Heeseung received a call from the hospital, giving them an update on Sunghoon’s condition.

“He’s stable now,” Heeseung said, his voice relieved but still tinged with concern. “They’re treating him with medication and fluids to bring his fever down. He’ll need to stay overnight, but he’s in good hands.”

The members breathed a collective sigh of relief. They knew Sunghoon would need time to recover, and they made plans to visit him the next day, determined to support him through his illness.

The following morning, they arrived at the hospital with a variety of get-well-soon gifts and their most comforting smiles. They found Sunghoon resting in a hospital bed, looking considerably better than the night before, though still weak and exhausted.

“Hey, hyung,” Sunoo greeted softly as he entered the room, carrying a bouquet of flowers. “How are you feeling?”

Sunghoon managed a weak smile. “Better, thanks to you guys. I’m really sorry for worrying you.”

“Don’t apologize,” Jungwon said, taking a seat beside the bed. “You pushed yourself too hard. We’re just glad you’re getting better.”

The members spent the day with Sunghoon, talking with him, sharing stories from their recent shoot, and making sure he was comfortable. Sunghoon appreciated their presence more than he could express, feeling grateful for their support.

As the day went on, Sunghoon’s fever began to subside, and he started to regain his strength. The doctor was optimistic about his recovery and expected him to be discharged in a day or two, provided he continued to improve.

Before they left, Sunghoon looked at his members with gratitude. “Thank you all for being here. I wouldn’t have made it through this without you.”

“We’re a team,” Heeseung replied, smiling warmly. “We look out for each other, no matter what.”

As they left the hospital, the members felt a renewed sense of unity. The scare with Sunghoon had been a reminder of how important it was to take care of one another, especially in the demanding world they lived in. They knew that, no matter how tough things got, they would always face them together.

And as Sunghoon continued his recovery, surrounded by the unwavering support of his members, he knew that he was never alone. Their bond was stronger than any fever or challenge they might face.



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