Disclaimer and Author's Note

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Instead of saying "I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling do," in every chapter, I'm just gonna say it right here.


There. I said it. I don't want to be bothered to put it in every chapter, so here it is.

I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, those glorious titles belong to Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling.

Now on to the less important stuff:


Trust me, I know things happened in those books that contradict some things in this book. But those things hadn't happened yet when I wrote this.

I promise you, this story is different from all the other PJO/HP crossovers out there. I looked at them and using them, I am really trying not to do everything that everyone else does. I am avoiding every cliche I can, I'm doing everything I can to make my story different, whether it's a backstory or event or whatever--it's different. So at least read one or two chapters before you decide whether or not you want to continue reading.

This book takes place after the Second Giant War and the Second Wizarding War (the Battle of Hogwarts). So, Gaea's asleep and Voldemort's gone.

Just thought I'd clear that up.

Also, I know that the timeline is different and if this were happening after the Second Wizarding War, Percy would be about 6 years old. And if it were really happening after the Second Giant War, Harry would be about 27 years old. I honestly don't have any idea to make it work that doesn't involve time travel, and I don't have the courage to use time travel in my stories without messing it up. So please just ignore the dates and pretend that it all makes sense.

I will be going off of the books for Percy Jackson because the movies are an abomination, but for Harry Potter I will be using both the books and the movies.

And I apologize beforehand because I don't write like Rick Riordan or J. K. Rowling. My writing will be different than both of their's, so the personality of each character will most likely be off. I'm doing the best I can.

I am not Rick Riordan or J. K. Rowling, therefore I cannot write the way they do.

Also, there will be romance but I won't be writing big passionate kissing scenes or anything. When I read Percy Jackson, I notice that Rick Riordan focuses on the action, not the romance. He just says "he kissed her," or "she kissed him." It's very rare that he does more, and I like that. His books aren't supposed to be centered on romance. So I'm not gonna put a lot of emphasis on the romance, but it will be in there, don't worry. I love Percabeth, and the other ships in both Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. I'm just focusing more on the plot than the romance.

One last thing; I am not as big a fangirl for Harry Potter than I am for Percy Jackson. So I might get things wrong and I will most likely be basing the story off of the Harry Potter movies, because I've watched the movies more than I've read the books. I will do my best, but please don't expect everything to be perfect.

All right, I think I've covered everything I need to. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments and I'll answer them as soon as I can.

On to the story! Adios.


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