Chapter 33

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We were eating breakfast when it happened.

It was the middle of July, getting close to the halfway mark of summer. That meant that we would be revealing the wizards soon. In fact, if nothing unusual happened, we would be telling everyone at the campfire tonight.

Of course, that meant that something had to go wrong. And it did.

I was sitting at the Poseidon table when a roar sounded throughout Camp Half-Blood. I immediately grabbed my sword and ran to the border, hoping beyond hope that it would stay intact and keep whatever was coming out.

No such luck.

An enormous creature was lumbering past Thalia's tree. A creature I'd never seen in person before. A creature I'd only seen in books.

Wizard books.

"Styx," I muttered.

I understood immediately. Since the troll was from Harry's world, its magic interfered with our magic, allowing it to pass through the border. And since it wasn't Greek, I figured that our weapons wouldn't work on it. But I could still try.

"Percy, wait!" Annabeth yelled as I charged. "Our weapons won't work!"

"That doesn't mean I can't try!" I shouted back.

"Then I'm coming with you!" And suddenly she was running next to me.

"Percy, Annabeth, that's a troll," Harry said, appearing next to us. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were right behind him.

"We know," I said as I uncapped Riptide. The troll was stumbling down the hill, moving slowly. It carried a huge and menacing-looking club. I glanced back, finding the rest of the camp following us. Most of them were moving slowly, trying to figure out how the troll had gotten past the border.

"Be careful," Hermione said.

"Don't use magic unless you have to," Annabeth said. "If we can kill this thing with our weapons, good. If not, then fine. We were planning on telling everyone tonight anyway. Keep everyone back."

Annabeth and I sped forward, leaving them behind us. Annabeth took out her sword, opting for the extra length even though she was more skilled with her dagger. "Attack Plan Delta," Annabeth said. I nodded, acknowledging that she would attack from the front and I would come in from the back.

We separated, coming from our designated sides. Annabeth reached the troll first and it roared at her, raising its club. She ducked under the troll's first swing and swiped at it with her sword.

The good news: it worked and cut the troll.

The bad news: he bled instead of exploding into dust.

The even worse bad news: Annabeth was too stunned by the little effect her sword had on the troll that she failed to notice it raising its club again.

And failed to dodge as it slammed the club into her stomach.

"Annabeth!" I yelled as she went flying across the valley. She went so far that she quickly disappeared from my sight.

"Kill that troll!" I told the wizards. "I don't care if you have to use magic, go!"

Then I ran in the opposite direction to find Annabeth. It wasn't too hard to find her, I just followed the trench made by her landing and the sounds of her cursing. I found her laying a few feet away from the creek, dirt and grass surrounding her and covering her body.

"Annabeth!" I knelt by her, brushing dirt from her face. "Are you okay?"

She moaned as I shifted her, trying to help her sit up. "I think I broke my leg. And some ribs."

"Come on, let's get you to the infirmary," I said, helping her stand. She leaned heavily on me, keeping all of her weight on her right leg.

"No, we have to make sure everyone's okay. And we have to help the wizards, they probably had to use magic to defeat it. They'll need our help getting the demigods to trust them."

I sighed, but I knew it was useless trying to convince her otherwise. "Fine. Get on my back." She started to reach for my shoulders, but I stopped her and stepped back.

She gave me a confused look but quickly understood. I calmed my mind before calling upon my Animagus and turning into a horse. Then I trotted over to Annabeth and knelt down so she could climb on without much difficulty. When I was certain she was holding on tight, I took off towards Half-Blood Hill.

To say the campers were surprised by Annabeth's return was an understatement.

"How are you okay?"

"Where did the horse come from?"

"Where did Percy go?"


"Just help me down!" Annabeth shouted when we saw that the troll was still fighting Harry and the others. They had taken out their wands and were fighting it, but this troll was much smarter than the one they'd faced when they were eleven.

Someone helped Annabeth down. Then she patted my head and whispered, "Help them."

I nodded (well, as much as a horse could) and bolted towards them. I jumped at the troll and in mid-leap, I transformed back into a human, simultaneously taking out my wand and firing a stunning spell at it.

The spell did nothing, but the force of my body colliding with it did. The troll toppled over and I found myself sitting on its chest. Harry raced over and shot a spell at it, instantly knocking it out.

I stood up, brushing off my knees. "Nice job, Harry. Thanks."

"You do realize the demigods saw us use magic? And they saw you transform from a horse into a human?" Hermione hissed.

"Yeah, I know. And we'll explain everything. But first I'm going to make sure my girlfriend is okay."

Ron raised his eyebrows. "Fair enough."

We turned and faced the camp. Everyone stood shell-shocked, gaping at us. Annabeth was leaning on Grover, the only one besides Chiron who knew what was going on.

Jason stepped forward. "Uh, Perce? Is there something you want to tell us?"

I smiled nervously. "Yeah. Harry, Chiron, can you start explaining? I want to make sure Annabeth gets looked at."

Before anyone could stop me, I turned into a horse again and trotted over to Annabeth. Grover helped her climb up onto my back, whispering in my ear as he did, "You never told me you could turn into a horse."

I snorted, giving the horse version of a laugh.

"Let's go, Percy," Annabeth said. "My leg is starting to swell and I definitely need some painkillers."

I snorted again and then headed off to the infirmary. "Stay with me," Annabeth said when we were almost there. "I'm not going to stay in the infirmary, we'll have to go back and help them explain. I'll need your help getting back over there."

I neighed in agreement, trotting with a little more speed.

There was a moment of silence before Annabeth spoke again. "Think the demigods have attacked them yet?"

A/N: Yeah, short chapter, but a fun one. At least, that's what I think. I had fun writing it.

I don't know if you guys can tell, but the story's coming to an end. Yep, we're almost there. Just a few more chapters.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think.

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