Chapter 34

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"There they are, listen, they'll vouch for us. You have to believe us, we don't mean any harm to you. Percy and Annabeth trust us, talk to them," Harry said when he saw Annabeth and me approaching them, pointing to us.

Annabeth had crutches for her broken leg and her chest had been wrapped. The Apollo children had given her some ambrosia and nectar, but it took time to heal her completely. Still, she hadn't gotten a full cast and instead had a brace on her leg.

Most of the campers were whispering to each other, looking at Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny weirdly. The four wizards were standing with their backs to Thalia's pine tree and the campers in front of them, blocking their way further into the camp. Chiron and Grover stood nearby, supporting the wizards. Jason, Piper, Leo, and Clarisse were standing in front of the wizards, taking charge of the interrogation.

So of course, that's immediately where we went.

When we reached the wizards, Annabeth sat next to them to rest her leg. I stood over her. "What questions do you have?" I asked.

"First, let me check this with you," Jason said and prepared to count things off his fingers. "While we thought you guys were roaming Europe, you were actually at a school of magic called Hogwarts, with these four. You learned how to wield magic, do something called 'Apparition,' and Percy, you can turn into a horse because you're an Animago, no—Animagus?"

Annabeth raised her hand. "So am I, actually. I turn into an owl. I'd show you, but . . ."

"So you can both turn into animals? And you made friends with these wizards, and then brought them here to make friends with us?"

I thought for a moment. Then I nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

"So, Athena, Tyche, Nike, Apollo?" Leo said.

"They agreed to pretend, Hecate talked to them," Annabeth said.

"Show us," Clarisse demanded. "Show us your magic. Not you," she said when the wizards took out their wands. "Them, Mr. and Mrs. Hero." She pointed to Annabeth and me.

I sighed. "Why does no one ever believe us? Why do they always want proof?"

"Show us," Piper commanded and I couldn't resist her charmspeak, though it looked like she didn't realize she was using it.

I took out my wand. "Lumos." A feeble ball of light appeared at the end of my wand. Once I was satisfied that everyone had seen it, I put it out. "My godly blood interferes with the magic. That's why I can't do it well, neither of us can. Harry, show them how that spell looks when you do it."

Harry nodded, taking out his wand and lighting it. The tip was much, much brighter than mine had been.

"Satisfied?" Annabeth asked, glaring at Clarisse. She stared down the others too, but mostly Clarisse. Probably for the nickname she had called us.

"Look, you can trust them," I said. "We may need an alliance with them someday. Chiron and Grover know all about the wizards, too. They trust them. Grover found out when he saw us watching Quidditch, a wizard game played on broomsticks. We explained everything to him, he's known for a while. You guys trust us and we trust them. Grover trusts us, if he didn't he—"

I never finished my sentence because someone punched me across the face. And that someone was Grover.

"What the Hades was that for?" I grumbled, clutching my bleeding nose.

"I told you I'd get you back," he said, grinning.

I remembered our conversation in the Forbidden Forest and then nodded. "You're right, I deserved that."

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