Chapter 6

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My senses returned and I opened my eyes. We stood in a restaurant. It looked like it wasn't an American restaurant, more like a British one. A pub. On a sign above the door, I saw that the name was written, but because of my dyslexia, it was completely gibberish.

Hecate provided the answer. "The Leaky Cauldron," she said.

"Ah, Tyra!" Hecate turned to face a man behind the counter who spoke in a British accent. "And Janae!" Hera looked at the man too.

"Hello, Tom. How are you?" Hecate asked, seeming to respond to the name Tyra. I guessed that Janae was Hera.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. Who are these two?" Tom pointed to Annabeth and me. "Here for a visit to Diagon Alley?"

"New students. Had a little trouble at their school during the war and have to go to Hogwarts for their last year. They'll go to Diagon Alley soon. But first, we need a room," Hera said.

"Of course. What size bed?"

"It doesn't matter," Hecate said while Annabeth and I looked around the room in wonder. It seemed that only wizards and witches came in because people used magic without concern. Candles lit themselves, tables cleaned themselves, and dishes floated around the room. "We reserved a room a few days ago," Hecate sounded impatient.

"Oh," Tom said and ducked under the counter. He pulled out a large book and skimmed through it until he found what he was looking for. "Ah, here it is. Room number six-hundred." Tom handed Hecate an old-fashioned steel key. She thanked him and then gestured for Annabeth and me to follow the two goddesses.

We climbed up a flight of stairs into a long hall with doors on each side, each most likely leading to a room. We walked down the hall and up three more flights of stairs. I was amazed at how big the inn was, it didn't seem like it was so large from the ground floor.

"So," I said as we searched for our room, trying to make small talk, "Tyra and Janae?"

"Did you choose those because of your Roman forms? Trivia and Juno?" Annabeth asked.

"You didn't think we'd reveal who we were to just anyone, did you?" Hera said.

I shrugged. "No, but—"

Annabeth elbowed me and I shut up.

Finally, we found room number 600. Hecate gave me the key. I shifted the bags in my hands and stuck the key in the door, turned it, and walked in. I held the door open for Annabeth, Hecate, and Hera.

"I was wondering when you would arrive," said a new voice with a British accent from the middle of the room.

In seconds, I had dropped my things and brandished Riptide shoulder to shoulder with Annabeth who held her new drakon-bone sword. We pointed our swords toward the intruder.

A woman's figure came forward and she glanced at Annabeth and me worriedly. The woman was about as tall as Annabeth so I was slightly taller than her and she wore emerald-green robes. A crooked black hat looking like a stereotypical witch's hat sat atop her head of black hair pulled into a bun. She had green eyes a bit like mine.

Suddenly, Riptide heated up and burned my hand, causing me to drop it. Annabeth's sword fell at the same time.

"Be respectful," Hera hissed and I knew she was the reason we dropped our swords. "This is Professor McGonagall. She will be your Headmistress while you are at Hogwarts."

I scooped up Riptide, capped it, and pocketed it. Annabeth sheathed her sword. I eyed the professor. I had dealt with monsters long enough to know never to trust a person when you first meet them. Annabeth seemed to be doing the same thing. McGonagall just watched us, waiting. Hecate and Hera seemed to think they didn't have to introduce us.

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