Chapter 18

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"Woo!" I cheered with the rest of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw houses as our team flew out onto the Quidditch Pitch. They flew around the field once in formation and then took their spots; Ron in front of the goals and Harry hovering above everyone else. Annabeth glanced around and saw me. I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up.

Next out was the Hufflepuff team. Their house screamed for them, along with the Slytherin house. It wasn't necessarily because the Slytherins liked the Hufflepuffs—it was more that the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin gave them no other choice.

Madam Hooch walked out onto the field, holding her broom under her arm. "Players, you know the rules." Her voice was amplified. "The team that catches the Snitch ends the game and earns 150 points."

She kicked open the chest on the ground and the two bludgers shot out of it and into the air. After a moment, the tiny golden ball that was the Snitch followed them. Madam Hooch picked up the Quaffle and straddled her broom. Without a word, she tossed the ball up into the air and soared away.

Shouts came from the field as the Chasers and Beaters went into action. The fastest Hufflepuff Chaser nearly grabbed the Quaffle but Annabeth showed the same skill she had during tryouts and snatched it up before he could. She swooped out of the way of grabbing arms and sped off towards the other team's goal.

I grinned, watching in delight. The game looked like such a thrill and I wished I could play, but I doubted Zeus would tolerate it. He barely let me fly on Blackjack as it was.

My eardrums pounded as the Gryffindors cheered and clapped heartily. I laughed, joining them. Next to me, Hermione shouted for Ron and Harry and clapped for them.

I turned my attention back to the game. Ginny and Neville were on either side of Annabeth, pushing away the Chasers trying to get at her. A bludger was directed at her from above, which was deflected by one of our team's Beaters. A Chaser came up from below unexpectedly and Annabeth tossed the Quaffle to Ginny, pausing to kick the Chaser away. Ginny ducked under a bludger and passed the Quaffle to Neville, who sped forward and tried to shoot at the goal. The Keeper blocked it, tossing the ball to a teammate who didn't get the chance to grab it as Annabeth intercepted the Quaffle and tossed it into a goal before the Keeper could stop her.

"Ten points for Gryffindor!" said Luna from the reporter's box. "Doesn't that cloud look like a reindeer?"

The game continued. Annabeth was a menace to the other team. By the time Hufflepuff had gotten 50 points, Gryffindor was already at 120. Harry swooped around, watching for the Snitch, but he couldn't seem to find it.

I watched Annabeth chase (pun intended) after an opposing Chaser when I felt something. There was something in the back of my mind, nagging me. It felt familiar, but it was so small I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Another goal for Gryffindor! Oh look, a Nargle," Luna said and off in the distance, Annabeth congratulated Ginny.

The game went on. Hufflepuff seemed to catch up but Annabeth was right there to stop them. The score was now 210 to 140 with Gryffindor in the lead. I was watching Annabeth speed off towards the Hufflepuff goals with the Quaffle under her arm when Harry made a move, followed by the other Seeker. I saw the Snitch in front of them when the feeling came back stronger than before.

I turned, sensing something at the edge of the woods. What I saw made my blood run cold.

He stumbled out of the trees, brushing leaves and branches off of his clothes. When he looked up, I could almost hear his gasp from where I stood. His reed pipes dropped out of his hands. I winced.

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