Chapter 19

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After some delicious pudding (oh, and dinner), Annabeth and I joined Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Gryffindor common room. We lounged around on couches and chairs, basically taking up the entire room. Annabeth held flashcards in her hands and was quizzing all of us for a test in Transfiguration on Monday. Hermione was the only one paying attention. Harry and Ron were fibbing away at their Divination homework and I was studying a general book of spells, disguised as a Greek novel.

Annabeth called out to whoever would listen, "The spell for changing a—"

"Hey, where did you guys go after the match?" Ron looked at us, a confused look coloring his face. "You missed the celebration, you were supposed to be the guest of honor, Annabeth. We were rubbish compared to you during the game. When did you learn to play? Where?"

"I thought you said your school wasn't big on Quidditch," Harry said.

Annabeth laughed, obviously already prepared with a cover story. "Percy had a disagreement with the squid earlier, and it managed to toss his wand into the woods. We had to go look for it afterward, and believe me, it wasn't easy."

"Why didn't you use accio?" Hermione asked like it was an obvious solution.

"Neither of us are good at summoning spells," Annabeth lied easily.

"But what I want to know is where you learned to fly like that?" Ron gaped at her.

"Like we said, our school was very Greek themed so we had a lot of training, it helped our reflexes and made us more agile," I said, thankful for Camp Half-Blood.

I never really realized how our training helped us (besides the obvious reason—we could kill monsters) until coming to Hogwarts. Wizards had to have quick reflexes in order to think of spells and battle opponents during duels. They needed to think on their feet. Quidditch players had to be fast and agile.

Annabeth and I had all of those qualities. I'd never noticed it before, but Camp Half-Blood prepared us for everything. I began to wonder whether or not Hecate and Hera had been planning our visit to the wizard world for years or if it really had been a spur-of-the-moment thing.

"Tryouts was actually the first time I rode a broom," Annabeth said. "It came naturally. But, Quidditch is in my blood, anyway."

"Did your mom play? Or your dad? Which one is magical?" Hermione asked.

"My mom is magical, my dad is a muggle," Annabeth said. It was true, gods were magical.

"So your mom played Quidditch?" Harry said. Annabeth nodded convincingly—if I hadn't known she was lying, I would have believed her easily. "Talented family, then."

Ron yawned, and so did Harry and then Hermione until all of us were yawning. "I'm off to bed," Hermione announced.

"So am I," Annabeth said, standing up and pulling me to my feet. "Goodnight, Seaweed Brain."

She gave me a short kiss. "Goodnight, Wise Girl." I watched her and Hermione disappear into their dormitory. "I'm pretty tired too," I told Harry and Ron and began up the stairs.

"We'll be up in a bit," Ron said.

Neville and the other boys in our room were already sleeping. I quietly changed into comfy clothes and checked to make sure all my demigod items were hidden. I was just taking off my bead necklace when the door opened and Harry and Ron walked in.

"I never asked, what's the story with that necklace?" Harry pointed to the necklace as I put it down on my nightstand. "Annabeth has one too, right?"

"Yeah, we got them at our school. Everyone has a necklace and gets their first bead the first year they attend. The others are given with achievements or things like that," I lied, making a mental note to tell Annabeth about that one.

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