Chapter 9

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"Oh," Annabeth began.

"My," I continued.

"Gods," she finished.

We pressed our faces against the window as we marveled at the Hogwarts Castle. It literally was a castle, with huge towers, turrets, spires, and arches. A bridge connected two parts of the castle. The entire thing was atop a huge rocky hill, with patches of grass around it. Most of the castle was surrounded by a lake, which led into the open sea.

Various torches lit the outside of the castle. The night sky added to the Gothic image. On the other side of the castle, I could just make out three rings rising into the sky and guessed that the Quidditch pitch was over there.

Down a steep hill in the grassy area, there was a large hut surrounded by plants. On another side of the castle, there were four short but long buildings that looked like they were made of glass, and I figured they were the greenhouses where Herbology took place. There was also a fenced courtyard with what looked like a large pendulum swinging back and forth.

"That's like how we reacted the first time." Harry laughed.

"You guys live in this thing? Nine months a year, for seven years?" I said in disbelief, still gaping at the massive castle. Annabeth simply stared at it in shock.

"Of course, where else would we?" Hermione sounded like she was really asking.

"Oh, my gods!" Annabeth finally reacted. "The arches, the towers, everything! This was designed by a genius. A beautiful Gothic castle. I—"

"Annie, calm down." I placed my hands on Annabeth's shoulders to keep her from bouncing, and that combined with the use of her hated nickname finally made her settle down.

"This castle is amazing," I said, glancing at it again.

Harry nodded sagely. "It's become my home."

"I know what you mean," I said, thinking of Camp Half-Blood. Annabeth nodded too.

"You feel that way about the American wizarding school?" Ginny cocked her head.

"Well," Annabeth thought for a moment, "You could say that. We learned everything we know there. It saved our lives a few times."

I mentally praised Annabeth. She wasn't talking about the wizarding school, but technically she wasn't lying.

Our view of Hogwarts disappeared as we pulled up to the station. Students exited their compartments and clomped through the train. Harry and his friends already had their bags so they waited for Annabeth and me to grab ours.

Together the six of us left the train and stepped onto the platform. Witches and wizards ages eleven to eighteen bustled around. The smallest ones clumped together and followed the sound of a man calling "Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!"

I listened and looked around, finally spotting him. I immediately tensed. The man to whom the voice belonged was easily eleven feet tall. He had black hair and dark eyes, and a large matching beard. He wasn't just tall though, he was big. He had to be a giant, but a small one. He was only about a foot smaller than Otis and Ephialtes.

I nudged Annabeth and my hand crept to Riptide. "What?" she asked.

I nodded in the direction of the giant. "A giant. What should we do?"

Her gaze drifted over to him and she sucked in a breath and her hand rested on the hilt of her drakon bone sword. Once again I was glad that no one could see it. She bit her lip, about to speak.

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