Chapter 1

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A whisper floated through the water of the canoe lake at Camp Half-Blood. I lifted my head and glanced at the surface, seeing Annabeth Chase standing on the dock. A smile covered her damp face and I knew that she had stuck her head in the water to call me.

I grinned and swam towards Annabeth. I'd arrived at camp the day after school ended and had been impatiently awaiting her arrival. We had spent the entire school year together but traveled to Camp Half-Blood separately. Words couldn't describe how happy I was to see Annabeth again, even though I'd seen her only a few weeks ago, and we had Iris-Messaged each other nearly every day. I didn't need my mother's teasing comments to know that Tartarus had changed me.

I could sense the difference in Annabeth too. Whenever I did something stupid or opened my mouth and blurted something incredibly Percy-like, she didn't scold me. Of course, if it was monumentally insane, then she did. But for the most part, she didn't. I guessed it was because she was just happy that I was still there with her. No monsters had killed me yet. Hera hadn't taken me again. We weren't stuck in Tartarus again. We were together.

I liked it that way. I wanted nothing to change. And neither did Annabeth.

My head broke the surface and Annabeth stared at me. "Hey," I said.

"Hi," she laughed. "Been so long since we've last seen each other." I shared her laugh. "Come on, Chiron wants to see you." Annabeth reached out to help me onto the dock.

I grabbed Annabeth's hand with my dry one, a mischievous smirk on my face. A panicked expression came over hers. "Perseus Jackson, don't you dare—"

But it was too late. I yanked hard and Annabeth lost her balance, falling off of the dock and splashing into the water beside me. Her head bobbed up and she glared murderously at me with water dripping down her face, while I laughed.

"Percy Jackson! You better watch yourself. I—"

I cut her off by swimming over to her, pulling her close, and kissing her long and hard. Annabeth's anger seemed to melt as I held her in my arms. We separated and leaned our foreheads against each other.

"Maybe I can forgive you just this once," Annabeth said.

"Good," I said. "I'd rather not have to look over my shoulder for as long as I live." Annabeth laughed and the sound was music to my ears. "Let's go, you know that if Chiron wants to see me it's never good."

I propelled us over to the ladder by the dock for fallen campers. I climbed up first and then held out a hand to assist Annabeth. She raised an eyebrow.

"Would you really pull the son of Poseidon into a lake? I'm the one who can dry you off quickly, you know," I said.

Annabeth chuckled and shook her head. She grabbed my hand and I gently helped her up as she ascended the ladder. I touched her clothes and they dried instantly, as well as her skin. Her hair was still a bit damp, however. I entwined my hand in Annabeth's and pecked her on the lips. Together, we headed for the Big House where Chiron was waiting.

I enjoyed the sight of campers arriving, unpacking, and catching up with their friends. Some demigods had waited a few weeks to come like Annabeth, while others had the same idea as me. It was the weekend and Chiron had given us a rare day off. Tomorrow our weekly schedules resumed since almost everyone was at camp now.

Clarrise La Rue and Chris Rodriguez were practicing in the arena. A few campers who used their free time to train watched them, studying their techniques. Travis and Connor Stoll were behaving for once as they showed around newly claimed Hermes children.

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