Chapter 20

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"What happened?" Annabeth demanded, turning her fierce gaze on Harry after Percy fell unconscious. "Tell me everything, now!"

Harry had never seen such a scary look. Her gray eyes swirled like storms, and Harry could imagine wind blowing through her hair like in one of those muggle movies. He suddenly felt sorry for any Death Eaters that had been on the wrong end of her wand. He knew in that moment that Percy and Annabeth cared for each other more than he could verbalize. It was like they were one person. Where one went, so did the other. What one did, so did the other. What one felt, so did the other. When one was hurt, the other went insane.

Just like now.

Harry didn't want to find out what would happen if one of them went missing.

Professor Jameson had secured the Death Eaters and summoned Professor McGonagall and Hagrid. They were in the process of moving the Death Eaters to the dungeons to wait until a few Aurors arrived to take them away.

Professor Jameson was tending to Percy now, but Annabeth wasn't letting her do much. She had lifted Percy's head and put it in her lap, and was now stroking his face. Professor Jameson muttered a spell and Percy's unresponsive body floated into the air, Annabeth rising to follow him.

"I don't really know," Harry said as they walked out of the room, pushing aside the other students. Professor Jameson ordered everyone to stay in their dormitories and for only Harry, Ron, and Annabeth to accompany them to the infirmary. Harry saw Hermione and Ginny look at him, not happy about being left behind.

"I was sleeping," Harry said, "and then I felt something wet on my face and it woke me up. I lit up the room and the first thing I saw was Percy's bed empty with his wand on his nightstand. The covers were rumpled like he hadn't left by choice. Then I saw the two Death Eaters holding him, one on each side. There was tape over his mouth and he was tied up, and his nose was bleeding a bit."

"Then what?" Annabeth was almost shouting, watching Percy with concern.

"I used stupefy on one of the Death Eaters and Percy freed himself of the other one. The first attacked him so I started fighting the other one. I beat him, and you got the other, so—"

"What happened to Percy?" Her voice was cold, even, and terrifying. Harry was almost regretting his investigation of her, hoping that she would never find out and kill him. "How did he get hurt?"

"I don't know, I was fighting the Death Eater. I didn't—"

"Ron! You saw!" Annabeth yelled and Ron jumped, obviously hoping to be spared her questioning. "Tell. Me. What. Happened."

"You should answer her." Professor Jameson glanced back at Ron as they hurried through the halls, Percy's body following her like a tail. "She doesn't mess around regarding him." Harry got the feeling the teacher-student relationship was much different at their old school.

"Uh, the Death Eater, he—" Ron stuttered, obviously shaken up by Annabeth's behavior.


"He was hit in the head four times!" Ron blurted out quickly. "The Death Eater slammed his head into the bed post four times, he couldn't defend himself. He almost did it five times but Percy threw him at you."

"Four times," Annabeth said under her breath, almost laughing. "Dammit, Seaweed Brain!"

"He could have a concussion," Professor Jameson said, rounding a corner and throwing open the doors to the infirmary. "Madam Pomfrey! We need you immediately!"

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