Chapter 36

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"I believe it's time for the wizards to leave." Hecate's voice was soft and sad instead of harsh and commanding like it usually was.

My chest heaved as I hauled myself to my feet. I wiped my face, clearing some of the blood dripping from my nose, and spit some blood out of my mouth. I flexed my arms and winced when my back screamed in protest from the wound I'd gotten from Ron. Plus, it felt like my shoulder was dislocated.

Beside me, Annabeth was keeping her weight off of one foot. She had a cut on her neck and a few other small scrapes on her arms and legs. She pushed her bloodstained hair away from her face and limped over to me.

We looked across the arena, seeing Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny gathered together. They had more flesh wounds than we did since they were less skilled with weapons, but it didn't look like they had any broken bones or dislocated limbs. It was probably all the stunning spells they'd shot at us that had done it to us.

"I believe you're right," Chiron agreed with Hecate.

The campers around us slowly started to leave. Will came up to Annabeth and me to treat our injuries but we waved him off, keeping all of our attention on the wizards. Following Chiron and Hecate, we made our way to Half-Blood Hill, stopping at the Big House so the wizards could get their things. They had moved there when we told everyone they weren't really demigods. They left their weapons in the arena, only taking their wands.

We continued up to Half-Blood Hill, no one saying anything. Jason, Piper, and Leo had come with us, probably to make sure the wizards left without destroying anything else. I was slowly calming down, and as I did, my mind was changing.

What had we just done?

Annabeth and I spent half a year trying to convince the wizards that they could trust us, and then we and the wizards spent half the summer trying to convince the demigods that they could trust the wizards.

And then in one afternoon, we had ruined it. Annabeth and I just blew up and fought the very wizards we'd been trying to prove we could work with. We fought them and the battle was so electrified that we had nearly destroyed the arena, and each other in the process.

What had happened to us?

Harry was my friend, I didn't want to fight him. I didn't want to fight any of them. And we'd just had a battle that came close to being as large as the fight against Kronos or even Gaea. We had almost killed each other. I was willing to kill them.

It seemed like Annabeth, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had come to the same realization. The six of us looked at each other, shock written across each of our faces.

"What—" Harry paused, trying to find the words. "What did we do?"

"Wizards and demigods are a dangerous combination," Hecate said, stopping in front of us and facing us. "I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I was not too surprised when I heard the sound of you six fighting up on Olympus. I was surprised that it took this long."

"What do you mean, you knew this was going to happen?" Annabeth asked, moving closer to me.

"Ever since you met, your powers have been mixing," Hecate said. "Think of it as an unseen force. The wizard magic and demigod power have been colliding all around you, trying to find peace. Like the Dark and Light Sides of the Force–" Leo, Piper, and I chuckled–"They exist together but they don't exist in harmony. That is why ever since the wizards found out you were demigods, you have not been at ease. That's what produced the tension. That is why you never fully got along. That is why you fought. That is why you were angry with each other. That is why the violence started."

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