Chapter 21

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Whispers greeted me when my senses returned. I was exhausted and didn't open my eyes. My head was in agonizing pain and I moaned. It was too quiet for anyone around me to hear.

"—explain to me what they mean one more time?" Annabeth was saying.

Hecate's voice came next, sounding exhausted like she'd answered the question already. "The Death Eaters heard you talking to the satyr. They wanted to force Percy to show them the demigod world and eventually kill him." It didn't sound like there was anyone else in the room.

"Why just him? Why not me?" Annabeth asked.

"They planned to use you as leverage and then kill you."

"So they really weren't interested in Harry at all?"

"No. You were there, you know all of this. Why—"

I couldn't take it anymore. "Shh," I said louder. "Too loud." I lifted a hand to hold my head as I slowly opened my eyes. "My head . . ."

The first thing I saw was the ceiling of the infirmary. An itchy blanket covered me but I relaxed against the soft pillows and mattress. Light poured in from the windows, and I squinted, the light too bright for my pounding head. I found an ice pack sitting on my head and when I tried to remove it I winced and immediately replaced it.

"Percy, how are you feeling?" Annabeth said softly as she sat next to my bed, replacing the ice pack with a fresh one.

"Like Heracles used my head for batting practice," I said and Annabeth chuckled. "What happened? I don't—"

"Two Death Eaters invaded," Hecate said, standing at the foot of my bed. "They had heard your conversation in the woods. They planned to force you to show them the Greek world, including Olympus so they could have enough power to finish Voldemort's work."

"Harry fought one of them. I punched the other when you threw him at me," Annabeth said. "Hecate showed up to take care of them while we brought you here."

"What happened with that? I couldn't see, and—"

"The Death Eater slammed your head into the bedpost four times, breaking your already injured nose. You had a concussion," Hecate said.

"You took quite a beating, Seaweed Brain. You're going to be in here for a little bit longer," Annabeth joked, but I could tell she was worried for me.

"Wait, why were you there?" I asked Annabeth. "How did—" I grimaced, pain shooting through my head. "How did you know something was happening?"

"Something woke me up. I went out to see what it was and saw the door to the common room open, and a bit of light under your door. Just when I opened the door the Death Eater came at me, so I reacted instinctively,"  she said.

"What did you tell Harry and the others? They had so many questions," I said, still holding my head.

"We said it was the Death Eaters who had found out you were traitors and chased you two out of the country," Hecate said, folding her arms. "We told them that they had wanted to torture and kill you."

"Reasonable," I said.

"They want to see you," Annabeth said. "We told them later, you still need to recover."

I nodded and then regretted it. "Thanks."

"Just rest, Percy," Annabeth said and I noticed that Hecate had disappeared. "You're in a lot of pain and the wizard healing doesn't work as well for us. And we can't use ambrosia or nectar."

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