Chapter 30

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Harry fiddled with his robes. It was graduation day and all of the seventh years were supposed to wear their nicest set of robes and their Hogwarts cap. Going along with the school, Percy and Annabeth also wore wizard robes instead of their usual muggle clothes. Everyone was supposed to meet in the Great Hall in—Harry checked his watch—ten minutes.

He bounded down the steps from the boys' dormitory and into the Gryffindor common room. Hermione, Ginny, Annabeth, Ron, and Percy were already waiting. Annabeth and Percy looked uncomfortable in their wizard robes, but held hands and smiled all the same. Ginny greeted him with a quick kiss and he squeezed her hand in reassurance—more for himself than for her.

Harry still couldn't believe that they had made it through the year in one piece. Hogwarts was never this calm. Granted, there had been the whole "two demigods have been living among you for four months and have existed since long before wizards and you're descended from a Greek goddess" thing, but compared to what usually happened, that was nothing. Of course, Harry had still been stunned, and he was still ashamed of his actions when he found out. But he was glad that Percy didn't hold a grudge against him, although he didn't miss the occasional glare he got from Annabeth.

Harry was immensely grateful that the fights he had had with Percy were almost gone now. He liked being friends with the son of Poseidon, and their arguments were not his favorite thing. He was glad that things between them had slowly gone back to normal. He could tell that Percy was too.

Every now and then, Harry still had trouble wrapping his head around the fact that two of his friends were demigods. He had accepted Hecate's explanation of the origin of witches and wizards, because he'd always wondered about that topic, but seriously? All of the Greek and Roman—and apparently Egyptian—gods were real and living in America? And they still went out and had children with muggles?

It was almost too crazy to believe. But, he did believe, because, well, what other choice did he have? It was either to accept this logical—if unexpected—explanation or continue to wonder without finding an answer.

Harry preferred the first option.

"We'd better get going if we don't want to be late," Hermione said.

"Then let's go," Annabeth said.

Harry and Ginny took the lead, exiting the Gryffindor common room and heading for the Great Hall. As they passed through each corridor, more and more seventh years joined them, some chattering excitedly while others walked slowly and quietly, trying to calm their nerves.

It seemed like Percy was in the latter category. Harry slowed slightly so he could overhear the conversation between Annabeth and Percy.

"You'll be fine, Percy," Annabeth was saying. "Think of this as a good sign! That's three years now that you've gone through the whole school year without blowing something up or getting kicked out."


"The Minotaur wasn't your fault, and from what everyone's told us, that was nothing compared to what usually happens. You did it, Percy. Be proud of yourself. I have no doubt that you'll do fine at college next year in New Rome. Be happy about this."

He heard Percy sigh, and then they were silent again.

Harry was happy for Percy. They'd told him how most demigods moved around from school to school every year, and Harry had heard all of the stories of how Percy had been kicked out of each school. He was glad that Percy had made it through another school—even if it was a school of magic.

They reached the Great Hall and everyone poured in, sitting at their tables while they waited for further instruction. All of the younger students were out on the Quidditch pitch so the graduation ceremony wouldn't be interrupted.

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