Chapter 27

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"We'll miss you too, Mom, see you at the end of the school year! We'll keep in touch!" I yelled out the window as the train to Hogwarts began pulling out of the station.

My mother had insisted on accompanying Annabeth and me this time. We apparated to the station with her, and after she recovered from the strange feeling, she ushered us onto the train. Hecate would be transporting her back to New York.

"Goodbye, Sally!" Annabeth shouted and waved.

Soon, my mother was out of sight and we drew our heads in. We wandered through the train, looking for an empty compartment.

"Percy, Annabeth, over here, mates!" 

Ron's voice drew us into a nearby compartment where he, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny were seated.

"Hey, guys. How was your break?" Annabeth asked politely.

"Fine. What about you?" There was something off in Harry's voice. When I looked at him, he appeared guarded, but also like he was trying to be casual.

He definitely knew something was up. I was just glad that all the secrecy would be over tonight —hopefully.

"We visited my mother, it was good to see her again. We hadn't seen her very much last year with everything going on with Voldemort," I said and Ginny flinched when I said the name. Apparently, some witches and wizards still didn't like to say or hear his name.

"Where did you guys go?" Annabeth asked, also picking up on their hesitation.

"We stayed at my home with my family," Ginny said, a little quickly. She blushed when she realized that.

The tension in the compartment was so thick it could be cut with a knife. The rest of the train ride was spent in silence. It was a long ride.

We separated once we reached the school, Harry and the others racing off and climbing into a carriage without us. It seemed like everyone else could tell something was up and Annabeth and I ended up riding up to the castle alone. We didn't mind much, though. We were both pretty nervous.

We followed the throng of students pouring into the Great Hall. Before we could enter the hall, Hecate intercepted us and pulled us to the side.

She got right to business with no greeting. "Our plan is to reveal who you are at the end of the feast, as long as nothing goes wrong. You two can keep out of trouble for an hour, can't you?"

We exchanged a look. "We can try," I said, knowing full well that the chances were slim.

"I suppose that's the best we can hope for." Hecate sighed. "Good luck. You'll know what to do when you see it."

We nodded and Annabeth opened her mouth to say something, but Hecate was already gone.

We both knew how crucial this night would be. We would either form an alliance with the wizarding world or earn ourselves a powerful new enemy. One wrong move and we were screwed.

This was going to be difficult.

Without a word, Annabeth took my hand and we walked into the Great Hall and took our normal spots at the Gryffindor table. Hermione scooted a few feet away from where she sat next to Annabeth.

Annabeth and I pretended we didn't notice how strange they were acting. They ignored us, so there wasn't much we could do.

I got more nervous as each second ticked by. I didn't pay much attention to anything Professor McGonagall said, and I ate slowly. I became anxious, and I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

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