Chapter 8

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After sorting through all of our new purchases and packing them away, as well as eating the rest of our not-very-healthy snacks from Diagon Alley, Annabeth and I left our room and stood above the restaurant part of the Leaky Cauldron, watching a large family. There were six of them, three women and three men. My guess was two parents and their two children, and then the children's friends. The family all had red hair. The other girl's hair was slightly red, but a bit browner than the others. The last boy had dark messy hair like mine. I could tell that there were three couples.

They were laughing and talking like they'd all known each other for a long time, like a family. A wizarding family. As I watched them I held Annabeth's hand and thought of the future. After all we'd been through, I couldn't imagine a life without Annabeth. We'd known each other since we were twelve and done so many things together. She was a part of me—to be specific, the logical part of me. I wanted a family like the wizards had.

With Annabeth.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Annabeth's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

I smiled at her. "Ask me again, once we're done with Hogwarts."

She returned my smile. "Whatever you say." But then her face turned serious. She brought out her wand. Immediately understanding, I took out mine and we compared them.

"What do you think Mr. Ollivander meant? Why is it so significant that they were made from the same wood and core?" she wondered.

I shrugged. "Maybe it's like the wands my mom told us about. Harry Potter and Voldemort. A core of Phoenix feather from the same bird, they couldn't hurt each other. Well, not fatally."

"But it sounded more important." Annabeth leaned against the railing next to me. "And ours is the same wood too, not just the core. And there's also the shape." She studied the wands more closely. "It's almost like they could—"

"Hey look at those guys down there," I interrupted, unable to contain my ADHD. "It's like the ginger reunion. All that's missing is Cacus, the ginger giant!"

"Percy!" Annabeth smacked my arm, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing, drawing the attention of one of the boys I'd been laughing at.

He looked up at us, and I saw that the black-haired boy wore round glasses. There was an oddly shaped scar on his forehead, a bit like a lightning bolt. Annabeth was still scolding me as I turned to face her.

"What?" she asked when she saw my face.

"That boy down there, I feel like I should know him."

Annabeth sighed. "By the gods, Percy." She lowered her voice. "That's Harry Potter! The Luke of the wizarding world. Except, he wasn't evil. And he didn't stay dead. I guess he's more like the Leo of the wizarding world."

"Oh," I said, suddenly feeling dumb for not realizing it.

"That's Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley," she pointed to the girl and the ginger boy next to her. "And those are obviously the Weasleys." She gestured to the rest of the gingers. "George is their brother, and they just lost Fred, remember? Have some respect."

"Right, right. Oops," I said as Harry turned back to his meal.

"So, now what?" I said after a few minutes of silence watching the magical folk. "We just stay here for two months, watching the witches and wizards?"

"We have to act just like them," Annabeth said. "If we want this alliance to work, we need to gain their trust. It will still be difficult when they find out the truth and that we've been lying to them for half a year, but we have to. A friendship between demigods and wizards will be beneficial in the future if need be. We can't screw this up."

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