Chapter 25

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"They're definitely hiding something," Harry said as soon as he sat down in the corner of the common room with Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. He bundled up his invisibility cloak and held it in his lap.

"What did you find out?" Ginny asked, determining from Harry's confused expression that he had more information.

Hermione shushed them, gesturing upstairs. Everyone was asleep except for them. Harry nodded. They had stayed awake while Harry followed Percy and Annabeth to the Room of Requirement and spied on their meeting with Professor Jameson.

"They have trouble with magic. They weren't very specific—they aren't with anything really, like they always expect to be watched—but from what I could tell, there's something about them that prevents them from doing magic like us," Harry said. He didn't fully understand it either.

"What?" Ron asked while shoving a candy in his mouth.

Harry shrugged. "I don't know. They were really vague. And it sounded like there is more to their family than they said. And with Professor Jameson's family. I just don't know what."

"Is there anything else?" Hermione asked.

"Well," Harry said, "it seemed like Professor Jameson could tell I was there. They found me out and I had to leave, but before they found me I heard them say something about there being only two weeks left. Two weeks for them to pretend with their magic. Something is going to happen in two weeks."

"What's in two weeks?" Ginny asked, voicing the question on all of their minds.

"Christmas break," Hermione said. "Do you think they're going to stay here over break?"

"I don't think so," Harry said. "It sounded like they were looking forward to something, and I got the feeling it wasn't Hogwarts."

"Are they coming back after the holidays?" Ron asked.

"I don't know." Harry sighed. He was really tired of not knowing. "But whatever is happening after the break, they sounded excited about it. But also nervous."

"So what should we do?" Ginny asked, looking around at the three of them. She looked to them whenever they were plotting something and investigating Percy and Annabeth, and if Harry had to guess, it was because she was kind of the outsider of the group. Now that Harry was dating her, she was with them all the time, but the closest interaction she had had with their group before the war last year was in the Chamber of Secrets and the Ministry of Magic where Sirius died.

"I guess we wait," Harry said. He didn't like it, but he didn't see what else they could do. "We'll find out what they're hiding after the break—even if they don't come back, we will. And Professor Slughorn's Christmas party is in two weeks, which they'll both be going to, so we can watch them then."

"I don't trust them," Hermione said. "Each time we find them hiding something new, I trust them less and less. They're very careful though. We have no idea what they're hiding, just that they are. They're good."

"I know," Harry said. "That's what worries me."


Harry smiled when Ginny walked down the steps. "You look beautiful." He greeted her when she reached the bottom step with a short kiss.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she said, admiring his black and white dress robes. Ginny's faint pink dress complimented her eyes and the subtle makeup she wore made Harry's face light up.

Ron watched Hermione walk down the stairs awestruck, and she slapped him upside the head lightly. She wore a lovely red dress and Harry had to admit that she looked stunning. The Gryffindor common room was getting crowded with students preparing to leave for Professor Slughorn's party, and other students watching enviously while packing to go home for the holidays.

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