Chapter 16

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We stepped inside the castle and out of Harry's eyesight and Annabeth let out a huge breath. "What?" I asked.

"That was really fun, but almost not worth it. Harry was watching me the entire time. That last time he made us play, he used a Confundus charm on me," she said.

My eyes widened. "I saw that! I wasn't sure what happened."

She nodded. "He knows—or at least suspects something. He's a great wizard, he'll know that it wasn't his magic that failed. We have to be really careful. From now on, we are the most normal a witch and wizard can be. Me being on the Quidditch team will help, but it won't be enough. We really have to sell it, nothing out of the ordinary. If your instincts tell you something, do the opposite. Whatever we do, we have to make them think there is nothing strange about us," Annabeth said, the most serious I'd ever heard her.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay. So what now?"

Annabeth sighed and stared blankly ahead. "I don't know."


The weeks passed by quickly. Between Annabeth's Quidditch practices and our lack of magical prowess (and homework), we were kept very busy. Our only breaks or moments of relaxation came during Defense Against the Dark Arts when we got to fight with the weapons we were familiar with.

It was hard not to feel smug. Everyone was so much better than us at everything the school offered except for the fighting. That was something we could help them with. We didn't get to feel like that very much at Hogwarts. To say we were happy was an understatement.

Harry had followed in my footsteps and chosen a sword as his weapon. He was constantly asking me for tips, but he wasn't having much luck. Even so, he was determined to master the weapon.

Hermione fought with the knife, getting pointers from Annabeth as she practiced. She was doing very well and learning quickly. Annabeth was ecstatic now that Hecate had given her a new dagger she could call her own. It was made of the same material as her sword. I didn't want to know where Hecate had gotten hold of drakon bone. And I was afraid to fight Annabeth now that she had the weapon she was most comfortable with.

Ron had chosen the bow and arrow. Surprisingly, he managed it very well. Within the first two class periods, he could come within half a foot of the bullseye. I was impressed. Well, anyone who could shoot a bow accurately impressed me. The gods knew how terrible I was at archery.

Ginny was the odd one out, wielding a spear. She didn't need help from anyone, easily manipulating the spear and fighting with it as an extension of her arm.

Neville failed with every weapon he tried, but he didn't seem too upset by it. I'd heard the stories of his misfortune with magic and luck only in Herbology. He had seemed to accept the fact that Herbology was his strong suit and wasn't stressing much about the other subjects.

None of the other students got to keep their weapons. Annabeth and I only had ours because no one knew we did, and Hecate had given Annabeth her dagger during one of our meetings at night.

Those meetings gave us an opportunity to properly train like Chiron wanted us to and to learn from the goddess of magic herself about magic. Without her, we would have been hopeless. McGonagall helped too, but it was Hecate who made the biggest difference.

We slowly got better at magic. We would never be extraordinary, though. Our godly blood interfered with the wizard magic and wouldn't let it work to the extent it should. The only reason I succeeded with water magic and Potions was because of my father. But Annabeth's skill at Transfiguration stumped us. Even Hecate couldn't figure out why she was so good.

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