Chapter 31

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"So what do we do when get there?" Harry yelled over the wind as he steered Porkpie closer to Annabeth and Guido and me and Blackjack.

"Well," Annabeth said, motioning for the others to come closer so they could hear, too. "Percy and I talked to Hecate a few days ago. She talked to the council, and four gods have agreed to pretend to be your parents for half of the summer before we tell everyone who you really are."

"So who's my mum or dad?" Ron asked.

"Ron, your dad is Apollo, and your mother is mortal," Annabeth said. "Remember, use the world 'mortal' when you talk about muggles. Mortal, not muggle. Ginny, your mother is Nike and your father is mortal. Hermione, you're my half-sister, your mother is Athena. Harry, your mother is Tyche. Questions?"

"Who is Tyche?"

"Who is Nike?"

"Won't people notice that Ginny and I look alike?"

Annabeth nodded, clearly in her element of providing information. "Okay, Tyche is the Greek goddess of luck and fortune. Nike is the goddess of victory. And Ron and Ginny, your mortal parents are siblings. That's why you look alike. And none of you have brothers or sisters, that would bring up unwanted questions."

"What's our cover story? Won't people be curious? Didn't you tell them you were just traveling through Europe for a year?" Harry asked.

"The story is that we found you guys in a forest. You all had been hunted by monsters since you were thirteen and have been on the run for four years. You met each other along the way, first Harry and Hermione meeting, and then Ron and Ginny who had been helping each other for a while. Ginny's dad gave her weapons and when you guys met up you shared them to fight off the monsters—Harry and Hermione, you guys just managed to outsmart the monsters and keep running from them until you had the proper weapons to kill them.

"You were on the run in a forest in Europe and a group of cyclopes had cornered you. Percy and I were hiking through the woods when we heard the monsters and we ran to help you. After they were gone, we explained to you what you are, since none of you knew before and just thought fate was out to get you and you were going crazy. We trained you a bit, planning to go our separate ways eventually, but the monsters kept coming so we decided we'd take you to Camp Half-Blood.

"We were heading back to our camp and that's when Hermione was claimed. Then—"

"Claimed?" Hermione asked.

"Your godly parent recognized you as their child," Annabeth said before continuing, "then Ron was claimed. At the camp, Ginny was claimed. In the middle of our flight to Camp Half-Blood, Harry was claimed."

"What else should we remember to fit in with the demigods?" Ginny asked.

"You can't read," I said. "You have dyslexia, it's hard for you to read English, but you can read Greek really easily. If I were you, I'd make sure I could translate Greek with wordless magic. You'll need it."

"And you can't sit still," Annabeth added. "You always have to be doing something. It doesn't have to be big or anything, everyone has varying degrees of ADHD. Our friend Leo always has to be doing something with his hands, but a lot of demigods aren't like that."

"Anything else?"

"You're always ready for a fight," I said.

You got that right, boss.

I ignored Blackjack. "If something threatens you or attacks Camp Half-Blood, you don't ask what to do. You get your weapon and get ready to fight it."

"That reminds me," Annabeth said, "we told you in your cover story that you had weapons, but you obviously don't. The cyclopes that cornered you took your weapons and destroyed them, and you lost a lot of them over the years."

I said, "We'll get you weapons after we talk to Chiron and get you settled in your cabins. Now, we won't be there in the cabins with you, so you'll have to be careful. During the day we can talk to you all you want and help you, but in the morning and at night, you'll be with your cabin-mates, your 'half-siblings.' You'd better work on your poker faces."

"Who's Chiron?" Hermione asked.

"Head activities director. He's a centaur, a really cool guy," I said. "Centaurs are different in our world."

"We're almost there," Annabeth said and I glanced ahead.

She was right. I could see the steadily growing form of Long Island Sound, and I could even see the familiar plume of smoke coming from the rock-climbing wall.

"Remember, you're demigods. You're daring. You're going to see us doing some crazy things, things they never let you do at Hogwarts. You'll have to do them too," I said.

"You heard the stories, we've done all sorts of outrageous things."

"Trust us," Annabeth said, a smile on her face. "These are crazier."

"Any more questions?" I asked. "Better ask them now, you'll never find a good time when we get there."

When no one said anything, Annabeth said, "You guys can do this. You won't have to pretend for very long, it'll be a shorter time than we had to pretend to be wizards. I really think an alliance between witches, wizards, and demigods will be good. I hope we never need it, but it will be good to have it. So are you ready?"

The only sound was the wind whipping by and the flapping of the pegasi's wings as they approached the beach. Already, I could see campers gathered and waiting for us. Chiron was at the front.

"We've faced Voldemort," Harry finally said. "We can handle demigods."

I grinned. "Good. Because it'll be much harder for you to pretend to be demigods than it was for us to be wizards. And I can't say I'm not going to have some fun with this."

They laughed as Annabeth sighed in exasperation.

I grinned wider as our pegasi began to descend. "I can't wait for your first game of Capture the Flag."

A/N: Yeah, pretty short, I know. But I figured an intro and chapter of preparation before they arrived would be good. As usual, tell me what you think!

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