Chapter 10

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Hermione pushed Harry, Ron, and Ginny out of Percy and Annabeth's compartment. They cruised through the train in silence until they found an empty compartment. Harry and Ginny sat on one side and Ron and Hermione sat on the other.

After moments of silence as the train rumbled along, Harry finally spoke. "Well? What do you think of them?"

"Honestly, Harry. Do you have to be suspicious of everyone we meet?" Hermione scolded him immediately.

"They were lying, couldn't you tell?" Harry said.

"Yeah, they were," Ginny said. "They are American, but I didn't think the war had reached them. It seemed like it was just throughout England."

"And never having gone to Diagon Alley before? Where did they get their school supplies? Their wands?" Ron asked.

"Well, there most likely was a market or something in America so they could get everything. And Ronald, Ollivander isn't the only wandmaker," Hermione said.

"What about the whole Zeuson thing? That was strange, and it definitely sounded like something other than a thing at their school," Ginny added.

"I don't trust them," Harry said, eyeing the doorway as if Percy and Annabeth were listening outside the compartment.

Ron and Ginny nodded. They all faced Hermione, her being the only one who wasn't readily agreeing.

She sighed. "Fine, I'll admit it. They are very strange, strange even for our world. There's something off about them."

"Definitely," said Harry. "And we need to find out what it is."

Reluctant heads bobbed in agreement. Then Harry remembered something. "Hey, Ron, what was Percy talking about? What does George know?"

Ron moaned loudly and fell. His head smashed into the cushions as he hid from them. Harry smiled as he and Hermione and Ginny laughed. There may be new mysterious students, but some things never change.


Percy and Annabeth followed Harry out of the train and onto the platform. Their edginess at seeing Hagrid didn't go unnoticed by Harry and his friends. He quickly explained and was happy to see the two of them relax. He didn't want any more prejudice against Hagrid.

They made their way over to the carriages where Neville and Luna were waiting. Harry immediately spotted the Thestrals and sadly smiled at them. Ron told Percy and Annabeth what they were and when Percy reached for one, Harry shouted a warning despite his wariness towards them.

"Don't do that! They can be a bit violent."

Percy ignored Harry and he waited for the Thestral to lash out. Surprisingly, the horse let Percy pat it and delicately ate a sugar cube from Percy's hand. Afterward, he climbed into the carriage, and Harry and the others looked at him in disbelief.

"What?" Percy said. "Do I have something on my face?"

"Only Hagrid or Luna can touch Thestrals like that. And they've never eaten sugar cubes," Harry said.

Percy shrugged and shared a quick look with Annabeth. Harry knew that there might be more to what he was about to say.

"Horses have always liked me."

"Well, Percy and Annabeth, this is Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. Neville and Luna, this is Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase," Hermione said, pointing to Neville and Luna. Luna's wand was tucked behind her ear.

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