Chapter 4

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Leo and Calypso were waiting for us in a newly built hall. On the walls were tapestries honoring the tasks demigods had performed, going all the way back to ancient times and showing heroes such as Heracles and Perseus.

"This is very interesting, how long has it been here?" Calypso asked when we reached them.

"About a month," Annabeth answered. "I thought that everything demigods did should be honored on Olympus, so here it is. But between you and me," she leaned in and whispered so only the three of us could hear her, "I also wanted the gods to see it and feel guilty about what they make us go through."

We laughed and looked at the weavings. There were six of Heracles's labors, a tapestry of Perseus beheading Medusa, Jason retrieving the Golden Fleece, and others from the olden days. Then there were some works depicting events that happened recently. Those I didn't like as much.

The first showed me returning the Master Bolt to Zeus. Another showed me fighting Polyphemus. Next showed me holding the sky. After that was a large image showing the Battle of the Labyrinth. Then there was Annabeth and I crouched around Luke's limp form, Annabeth's dagger beside him.

Then came tapestries displaying the events of the war against Gaea. First was Jason, Piper, and Leo flying on Festus. Then there was me fighting Polybotes with Terminus while Hazel rode Arion and Frank was in mid-transformation. After that was a tapestry showing Arachne in the trap Annabeth made her weave, while Annabeth stood by triumphantly. The second to last one showed Annabeth and me exiting the Doors of Death while the remaining Seven fought Clytius with Hecate. And the last one depicted the Seven fighting the giants as Gaea woke.

In the middle of the courtyard was an enormous statue. Each of the Seven stood with their weapons out in their fighting stance. Annabeth and I were back to back, Frank and Hazel stood shoulder to shoulder and so did Jason and Piper. In the middle was Leo, honoring his death. Leo laughed when he saw that. At the foot of each of the Seven was a plaque describing their accomplishments.

I hadn't wanted any of the tapestries showing myself, but Annabeth kept it a secret from me, and by the time I found out, it was too late. And none of us wanted the statue showing the Seven. Annabeth hadn't approved it. The gods placed it there without her knowing and we couldn't remove it.

"Are these here everything you did during the first Great Prophecy?" Leo asked, pointing to the tapestries from when I was twelve to sixteen.

I nodded.

"And that's not everything he did," Annabeth said before I could stop her. "All the pictures showing things the legendary heroes did, Percy did pretty much all of them too," she bragged.

Leo whistled appreciatively as he looked at the tapestries. "I mean, I'd heard stories about you at Camp Half-Blood, Percy, when you were with the Romans, but wow."

I moaned, wanting to burn down the pictures. I chose to push aside my anger and embarrassment. "All right, we want to go visit my mom. Are you guys okay with hanging around in the city for about an hour, and then meeting up at my mom's apartment?" I asked Leo and Calypso.

They nodded. "So, what did Hera want with you?" Leo asked as we walked toward the elevator.

"Uh . . ." I tried to think of a suitable lie but came up with nothing.

Luckily Annabeth came to my rescue. "She restored his memory fully. There were still a few things he didn't remember. Not much, but she did it anyway."

Leo nodded, satisfied. I put my arm around Annabeth and whispered in her ear, "Thanks." She acknowledged my gratitude with a kiss.

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