Chapter 11

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Harry disappeared and I faced Annabeth. My grin immediately vanished when I saw Annabeth glaring at me. "What did I do? Was it about—"

Annabeth placed her hand on my mouth. "Not here. We need somewhere more private to talk."

"My thoughts exactly," said Professor McGonagall from the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. "Follow me," she said and left, not looking to see if we were following.

Annabeth glanced at me. I shrugged. We followed Professor McGonagall.

We lit the tips of our wands. McGonagall's shone brightly while mine blinked weakly. Annabeth's wand glowed about as bright as mine but still less than McGonagall. We still had to get a hang of magic. My nonverbal "Wingardium Leviosa" charm on Professor McGonagall's chair two months ago had been a one-time thing. Beginner's luck.

Professor McGonagall led us up and downstairs, through corridors and doors. Paintings complained about our light interrupting their sleep but McGonagall just shushed them. My head would have exploded if I tried to keep track of where we were going. Eventually, we arrived in a corridor and stood in front of the wall. McGonagall looked at us expectantly.

"What?" I said. "It's a wall."

"Wait," Annabeth said before McGonagall could answer. "It isn't, is it . . ." It was a statement, not a question.

Annabeth stepped closer to the wall and closed her eyes. She paced back and forth three times. It was silent except for her footsteps. I tapped my foot, trying to contain my ADHD in one part of my body.

I jumped when the wall started moving. The grinding of stone sounded as something began to appear on the wall. An arch surrounding two big pieces of wood—no, doors with old-fashioned handles. They were decorated with intricate carvings. The doors continued forming until they looked like they had always been there. Then they swung open.

Annabeth opened her eyes and walked into the new room. I followed her and McGonagall brought up the rear. We entered a large room that was mostly empty except for a few mirrors, a fireplace, some books, and training equipment. Not wizard equipment, but things we used back at Camp Half-Blood, plus weapons—every weapon a demigod could ever want.

Swords, knives, spears, bows and arrows, staffs, even clubs. There were pistols and shotguns—every type of gun imaginable—loaded with what looked like celestial bronze bullets. There was a catapult too. The most exotic weapon I saw was an old-fashioned cannon with huge bronze cannonballs piled up next to it.

"What is this place?" I asked, looking around the room in amazement.

"The Room of Requirement," Annabeth said. "I told you about it, remember?" I nodded, vaguely remembering something about a room that changed according to a person's needs. "I asked it for somewhere we could talk in private as well as train and learn more about wizards." Annabeth picked up one of the books and flipped to a random page. "What is an Animagus?" she asked Professor McGonagall.

The professor had a thoughtful look on her face. "I suppose you both should become one. It could help you in the future. Come here tomorrow after dinner alone and I will teach you." She said and Annabeth nodded. I did too, not really understanding but agreeing anyway.

"As for now," she said, "do what you must. I guessed—correctly it seems—that you would want somewhere to deal with your demigod affairs in private. I will leave you to it. But I do expect you two to be in class tomorrow. We do have a curfew here. Sleep at some point, and do not let the other teachers catch you out of bed. Sleep well." And then she was gone.

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