Chapter 2

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As we flew, my muscles were tense. Even though Blackjack had never dropped me or let me down, I always felt on edge in the air. To make things worse, thunder rumbled nearby and lightning threatened to strike, and I channeled Hazel's horse Arion as I mentally cursed Zeus. Only Annabeth's arms around my waist kept me from freaking out.

Finally, we reached Olympus and gracefully landed on the floating city.

"Thanks for the speedy trip, Blackjack." Annabeth patted his head and he shook his mane and held his head high as if to say, Seen anyone do better?

"Here, you earned it," I said and fished a few sugar cubes out of my pocket and fed them to Blackjack. "Sorry I don't have any donuts. Next time."

Need me to stick around to take you back? Blackjack cantered back and forth, wanting to get back in the air.

"Nah, we'll take the elevator down and get a cab." If I'm even allowed to go back after the meeting with Hera, I added silently. "Not the Chariot of Damnation, though," I said to Annabeth and she smirked.

All right, boss. Don't die! Blackjack gave his farewells and took off.

I slung my arm across Annabeth's shoulders and we continued into the eternal city of the gods. I'd been there four times now but it never ceased to amaze me. Especially now with all of the changes Annabeth had made. The temples were bigger and grander. Even those that weren't finished yet looked great. I wanted to ask about a few of the weirder-shaped buildings, but I knew that if I did Annabeth wouldn't stop talking for a year. I decided to compliment her instead.

"Olympus looks amazing, Annabeth." After seeing her disbelieving face, I added, "Seriously. Even better than it was before, maybe better than my dad's underwater palace."

"Thanks, Percy. But sometimes when I look at things that are finished I see a different way I could have designed it."

"It looks great, really. Athena couldn't have done better herself."

"The boy speaks the truth," a familiar voice spoke. It wasn't one that I was particularly happy to hear, and by the look on Annabeth's face, she wasn't either.

Athena strode up to us and I forced a respectful smile onto my face, taking my arm from Annabeth's shoulders and instead holding her hand. Annabeth didn't bother to mask her glare. "What brings you two to Olympus?" Athena asked politely, although she didn't pay much attention to me.

"Why would you care?" Annabeth said coldly and I placed a hand on her shoulder. Even though Athena was her mom, angering gods was not a good idea. I spoke from experience.

Athena sighed. "You're still mad about the Mark of Athena."

"I almost died many times, I had to face your enemy and we fell into Tartarus because of Arachne! Of course I'm mad!" At the word "Tartarus," Annabeth clutched me closer. I squeezed her hand to reassure her that I was still here. "You basically disowned me," she whispered.

"That was Minerva, not me. I wasn't in the right state of mind to—"

"I don't care about excuses!" Annabeth spit out and then seemed to soften and leaned against me. Her voice quieted. "It was as bad as how I felt when my stepmother thought I was a liar and my dad didn't pay attention to me, forcing me to run away. Maybe even worse."

I wrapped my arm around Annabeth's waist and kissed her forehead. She trembled beneath my touch and I knew that the negative feelings she had for her mother were very strong at the moment.

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