Chapter 15

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"Where do you think they're off to in such a hurry?" Ron craned his neck as he watched Percy and Annabeth race out of the Great Hall.

"I don't know," Harry said, also curious. The four of them stood and began to exit the hall with the rest of their house.

"Let them have their peace," Hermione scolded but she looked desperately at the doors like they held the answer to Percy and Annabeth's secrets.

"There is something up with them," Ginny said, tapping her fingers against her chin.

"But what?" Ron wondered.

"That's our job," Harry decided, turning to his friends and stopping in the middle of the corridor. Students grumbled as they were forced to walk around them. "We need to find out what they're up to and whether or not they can be trusted."

"Harry," Hermione sighed.

"No, Hermione, I know what you're going to say! You're going to say we've caused enough trouble at Hogwarts every year. But that's just it—it's Hogwarts. We never have a normal year. Secrets and lies and mysteries are what make Hogwarts. It wouldn't be Hogwarts otherwise. It's up to us to find out what they are really doing here. What's one more year before we leave?" he said, frustrated. Frustrated about Percy and Annabeth, about Hermione, about Ron, about Ginny, about the school, his parents, Sirius, everyone. He was frustrated, annoyed, overwhelmed, and fed up. All he wanted was a year without threats to his home that he had to deal with.

It was always him, never anyone else. Harry Potter this, Harry Potter that. Go keep Voldemort from stealing the Sorcerer's Stone, go save Ginny, go save Ron and Buckbeak and Sirius, go save Cedric, go save Sirius, go save Dumbledore, go save everyone! He was always saving the day and he didn't want it anymore. He just wanted to be a normal wizard. He didn't want fame, he had never wanted it. He wanted someone else to be the hero. He didn't care who. Anyone but him.

But it seemed like everyone except for Harry and his friends believed Percy and Annabeth's lies, so they were the only ones who could protect Hogwarts. So once again, he had to save the day.

"I'm with you, Harry." Ginny stepped next to him and took his hand. He nodded and smiled at her, grateful for the support.

He faced Ron and Hermione. Hermione wasn't looking at him and Ron kept glancing between Harry and Hermione, not knowing which side to take.

"Hermione," Harry said softly. "We've been doing this since we were eleven. Always together. We're a team. I can't do this without you. Come on, Hermione. One last time." Hermione still wasn't looking at him. "Please," he added.

She sighed. Finally, she lifted her head. "This is the last time. I really hope you're wrong about them, because I like them. Sure, they're . . . different, especially Percy," she said and Harry knew immediately what she was thinking of: the weird things their school did, Transfiguration class, Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and then the lake. "But they seem friendly. Nevertheless, some things don't add up. I don't trust them either. One more time." She smiled resolutely.

"So, what first?" Ron asked as they continued walking to the common room.

"I want to know more about Percy's tattoo. And I don't believe his story."

"What tattoo? What story? What haven't you told us?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you," Harry realized and began to explain. "This morning when Percy was changing, we saw his arm. He had the Dark Mark." Ginny gasped. "We confronted him and he did something to it, making it look like a tattoo of a trident with the letters 'SPQR' and two black lines. I tested to see if it was a spell disguising the Dark Mark and nothing happened, but I'm not sure about it."

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