Chapter 32

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"Percy! Annabeth! It's been so long since we've seen you!" Chiron said as our pegasi trotted across the beach, slowing to a stop.

I hopped off of Blackjack with the ease of someone who has ridden pegasi for a long time. Behind me, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny stumbled off of their steeds, trying to get over their saddle sores from the long flight.

"Hey, Chiron. It's great to be back," Annabeth said, smiling as she hugged the centaur.

We're gonna . . . go get . . . some rest, boss, Blackjack said and I felt bad for making the pegasi fly for so long with cargo.

"Go do what you need to, thanks again, Blackjack," I said, patting his back. None of the campers looked at me weirdly, all of them used to my conversations with horses.

"And who are these people?" Chiron gestured to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny.

"Demigods," I said as I adjusted the bag on my shoulder. "We met them while in Europe."

"This is Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley," Annabeth said, pointing to each of them in turn.

"Siblings?" Travis Stoll asked as he clapped me on the back. "Good to have you back, Percy."

I smiled at him and then said, "Ron and Ginny are cousins."

"Have they been claimed?" Travis's younger brother, Connor Stoll, asked.

"Yes," Annabeth said. "Can someone get the counselors for the Nike, Tyche, and Apollo cabins? I've got Hermione."

Three people came forward, two of them I didn't know. "Who's the child of Tyche?" one of the men asked.

"I am," Harry said, stepping up to him.

"And Nike?" the girl asked.

"Me," Ginny said.

"So that leaves you, Ron, son of Apollo. Nice to meet you. I'm Will Solace, your half-brother," Will said, holding out his hand for Ron to shake.

"Ah, more newbies. I'm beginning to like you, Jackson," Clarisse said, laughing as she sized up the four "demigods."

"Yes, but they have already been trained a bit. You're welcome to try something," I said, "if you want another face full of toilet water."

She snarled at me before stalking off, Chris Rodriguez on her heels.

"That's Clarisse," I told Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione. "Not one to anger, believe me, I know. But she can be nice."

"What have you told them?" Chiron asked as the cabin counselors led the wizards away, including Annabeth.

"Everything," I said, although I knew that Chiron knew who they really were. "All about the gods, who we are, everything you told me." A few campers welcomed me back wandering off until it was just Chiron and I left.

Chiron lowered his voice. "What else have you told them?"

"Everything they need to know to blend in. I wasn't lying, they have been trained. When we were at Hogwarts, Hecate trained the wizards in combat each week, so they are more prepared."

"And their cover story?"

"We found them in a forest while hiking in England. Cyclopes had cornered them, but we saved them. They were all on the run since they were thirteen and eventually came together to help each other. Ginny's father gave her weapons which is how they survived that long, but they didn't know who they were or why the monsters chased them until we found them."

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