Chapter 26

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I was engulfed in a hug the moment the door to my mother's apartment opened. "Annabeth!" My mother embraced Annabeth as well, who was smiling as big as I was.

"Hey Mom, it's good to see you," I said, sincerely happy to be seeing my mother after being in Europe for six months.

"Come on in, make yourselves comfortable. Put your things down." My mother ushered us in and closed the door behind us, a huge smile lighting up her face. "Paul! They're here!"

Paul entered the room and gave Annabeth a hug. I high-fived him. We dumped our bags on the floor and sat on the couch.

"So? How was your first semester at Hogwarts?" Sally asked.

Annabeth started to answer but I beat her. "Weird."

"We have lots of stories, Sally. Do you mind if we unpack and get settled first?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh, of course. Go ahead. I'll make some food."

"Thanks, Mom!" I yelled over my shoulder as we walked to the back of the apartment and into my room, dragging our bags behind us.

"Your room hasn't changed much since we were last here," Annabeth said.

"Yeah," I said as I shoved one of my bags into my closet, "that's because there's no Smelly Gabe to use it as his 'study' while I'm gone."

"Right, you told me about that. Okay, your mom and step-dad will be waiting to hear all of our stories."

Annabeth started to leave but I grabbed her arm and stopped her. "What—" I silenced her by placing a kiss on her lips.

She smiled. "What was that for?"

I shrugged. "Nothing. I just love you."

Annabeth kissed me again. "I love you too."

"Okay," I said as we headed to the kitchen, "after we have a night of sleep where we don't have to sleep with one eye open, what do you want to do?"

She smiled mischievously. "It's been a while since we've played Mario Kart. Ready to lose?"

"Oh, you are so on."


"You two need to be careful. I'm not sure I like these wizards. And from what it sounds like, Harry and his friends are suspicious of you two. They'll try something when you go back to school. Even if it seems like they trust you, be careful. If you feel at all like you are in danger, talk to Hecate and Professor McGonagall, and get out of there. You guys don't have to risk your necks for the gods every time they ask you to, dear," Sally said after she had heard everything.

"We know, Mom. We're being careful," I said, but she ignored me.

"I trust you, Annabeth, you'll keep him out of trouble?" my mom asked Annabeth.

"It's not always the easiest, but of course."

"Hey!" I said and they laughed.

"And no turning into a horse or an owl in my apartment!" she said and we all laughed again.

"Why don't you two get some sleep?" Paul suggested after we had all calmed down. "It's getting late, and you look like you could use some rest."

"That sounds great," Annabeth said. "It was a long train ride to King's Cross Station—Hecate wouldn't let us apparate home directly from Hogwarts."

"I'll get some blankets and pillows for you, Annabeth," Paul started to say. "We'll set up the couch—"

"That's okay, they can share Percy's room," Sally interrupted.

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