Chapter 13

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We had two more classes before lunch. The first was Charms. We followed a map Hermione had given Annabeth to find the classroom. A small brown-haired man stood at the front of the room and introduced himself as Professor Flitwick.

He told the class, "Today we will be working with water charms." I smirked at Annabeth. "Aguamenti and Aqua Eructo." Professor Flitwick waved his wand and all the tables and chairs disappeared, dumping everyone onto the floor except Annabeth and me because of our reflexes. Targets appeared in front of each person, moving around constantly.

He demonstrated, taking out his wand. "Aguamenti!" he shouted, and a large but weak stream of water hit a target. It lit up and then began moving faster. Then he said, "Aqua Eructo!" and a thin but very strong blast of water hit the target, which lit up again and moved even faster.

"Aguamenti is more of a fountain; large, but not very strong. Its primary use is for drinking and putting out fires. Aqua Eructo summons a stronger stream of water, used for duels. A good hit with this charm can knock your enemy down.

"Practice with both as much as you can or until your target breaks. Off to work, everyone," Professor Flitwick said and we began.

Because of my father, I had no trouble at all. I easily hit the target five times with Aguamenti until it became too fast to use the weaker spell. Then I hit it with Aqua Eructo another seven times, struggling only the last time, and it broke. The target dropped to the ground, soggy and useless. Not once did I use my powers to manipulate the water.

"Good job, Mr. Jackson," Professor Flitwick said. "Water seems to obey you."

I grinned. "You have no idea."

Then I looked at Annabeth and saw she was struggling. Puddles of water surrounded her and she was desperately trying to hit her target, but she wasn't having much luck. As I watched, she hit her target once, but then she was practically hopeless.

I walked over. "Use Aqua Eructo," I said. "I'll help you practice with Aguamenti later, but for now it's moving too fast for you to get it without more power. Try it."

She nodded. Her wand followed the movements of the target and I had no idea what she was doing. When she moved her wand a few feet away from the target, I understood. She had been studying the target until she could predict where it would be next.

"Aqua Eructo!" she said and water shot from her wand, hitting the target as it reached where she had predicted it would. The target blinked brighter and then started moving faster.

"There you go," I said. "It's a change to be helping you for once."

She rolled her eyes. "You're only good at this because of your dad."

Annabeth continued with her target. Her predictions were good, but she said the incantation either too slow or too fast and missed.

"Was your dad good at water magic?" Hermione asked. She had been watching, trying to see what she needed to do to hit her target easier. From what I could tell, she wasn't used to not being the best.

"No, I'm a muggleborn. But my dad worked on the ocean, basically anything having to do with water. It always seemed to do exactly what he wanted. I inherited his skill." True, just not the way she thought. "That's why at the American school I was put into Poseidon's house."

"How did you get yours so quickly?" Ron asked.

I stepped closer so I could help him. "You have to—"

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